值得庆幸的是,已经有人帮我们整理出一份关于 DB2 的错误代码大全啦,以后再遇到数据库报错,直接拎出...
Php Sql Error Codes List In Db2 IbmSummary, PDO driver for IBM databases. Maintainers,IBM This driver supports IBM DB2 Universal Fixed:PDO_IBM driver needs to return SQL error codes DLLList. PHP 5.4, 5.4 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x86 * 5.4 Thread Safe (TS) x86.SQLCODE=SQLSTATE=DRIVER=...
Error code:The SQL error code that was returned by the SQL statement that caused the connection to fail. Failure code: 4 Error code:The following value: 2 The driver received an interrupt or cancel request. For client reroute againstDb2 for z/OSservers, special register values that were ...
如果未在任何db2-xdb:table註釋中宣告列集,則會隱含地與具有相同名稱的表格產生關聯,此名稱是由db2-xdb:defaultSQLSchema的值來限定。 The annotated XML schema cannot use a db2-xdb:rowSet annotation that relies on an implicit association between a rowset and a table with the same name of &1, and...
Timeout:This situation occurs when the suspension of an application exceeds the defined preset level. In that case, DB2 terminates the application and returns error codes. Deadlock:This situation occurs when two or more applications lock specific resources and not allows other applications to access...
Error Codes and MessaggesMapping error codes and messages from DB2 to Oracle: DB2 Oracle 1 SQLSTATE '02000', SQLCODE 100 Row not found cur%NOTFOUND, SQL%NOTFOUND, SQLCODE 100 2 SQLSTATE '23505' Unique constraint violation ORA-00001 error, DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX exception 3 SQLSTATE '8...
Front cover IBM DB2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications Chris Meyer Derek Tempongko Redpaper IBM Db2 for z/OS: Configuring TLS/SSL for Secure Client/Server Communications This IBM® Redpaper publication provides information about how to set up and configure ...
IBM DB2 Connect 9.7 DB2 Connect 用户使用指南.PDF,IBM DB2 Connect 9.7 DB2 Connect C8O S151-1176-00 IBM DB2 Connect 9.7 DB2 Connect C8O S151-1176-00 b 9CKE0dVDz70,kHDAZ 163 3D= B, :yw ;BD#fE# ^)fyw KD5|, IBM DyP(E#|ZmI-iPa),R\f((D#$#vfoP|,DE;|(TNNz7D #$,Ra
利用db2ilist命令来确定实例是否存在于实例清单中。如果实例完整,检查挂载及网络问题。利用db2iupdt来改正权限问题。 利用这一命令来删除特定的受损实例:db2idrop <instance> 利用命令db2iset来删除相关配置信息与配置参数。例如:db2iset -d bcuinst2 在受影响节点上创建并配置实例: ...
A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the Web at http://www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml The following terms are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: Active Memory™ AIX® BladeCenter® DB2® DS4000®...