Table 5. Class Code 07: Dynamic SQL Error SQLSTATE ValueMeaning 07001 The number of variables is not correct for the number of parameter markers. 07002 The call parameter list or control block is invalid. 07003 The statement identified in the EXECUTE statement is a select-statement, or is ...
For information on SQL error codes in the range -4200 to -4299 and -4450 to -4499, see Error codes issued by the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ.List of error SQL codes The following SQL codes indicate unsuccessful execution of the SQL statement....
Php Sql Error Codes List In Db2 IbmSummary, PDO driver for IBM databases. Maintainers,IBM This driver supports IBM DB2 Universal Fixed:PDO_IBM driver needs to return SQL error codes DLLList. PHP 5.4, 5.4 Non Thread Safe (NTS) x86 * 5.4 Thread Safe (TS) x86.SQLCODE=SQLSTATE=DRIVER=...
EN作为一个程序员,数据库是我们必须掌握的知识,经常操作数据库不可避免,but,在写 SQL 语句的时候,...
不过,值得庆幸的是,已经有人帮咱们整理出一份关于 DB2 的错误代码大全啦,以后再遇到数据库报错,直接拎出看看,岂不爽哉?当然,在此对原作者送上万分的感谢。...2 错误代码及说明 SQLCode SQLState 状态说明 000 00000 SQL语句成功完成 01xxx XXX SQL语句成功完成,但是
Protocol specific error code(s): "0", "*", "*". SQLSTATE=08001 检查服务器的配置情况如下: 验证存在的DB2数据库 db2 list db directory db2 list db directory show detail 验证实例使用的通讯协议,查看DB2COMM变量 db2set -all 查看数据库管理器的配置,查看SVCENAME(特指tcpip协议) ...
Listing of SQLSTATE valuesThe tables below provide descriptions of SQLSTATE codes that can be returned to applications by DB2® UDB for iSeries™.
When attempting to connect to the IBM Db2 database, you may come across the following error:Microsoft Db2 Client: The host resource could not be found. Check that the Initial Catalog value matches the host resource name. SQLSTATE=HY000 SQLCODE=-360This error message indicates that you didn’...
Sql代码 db2 list history archive log all for testdb | head -20 //查看活动日志使用如下命令 Sql代码 db2pd -db testdb -logs //禁止自动commit,db2默认是自动提交的 Sql代码 db2 list command options db2 update command options using c off
When attempting to connect to the IBM Db2 database, you may come across the following error:Microsoft Db2 Client: The host resource could not be found. Check that the Initial Catalog value matches the host resource name. SQLSTATE=HY000 SQLCODE=-360This error message indicates that you didn’...