AA HL 内容比较抽象化,加了原本 calculus(微积分)的内容,整体就比较偏向于纯数了,比较适合以后想要...
当然也不要2008年这种太早的,因为那时候的IB HL Math和现在的AA大纲内容大不相同,我认为2016/2017/2...
IB Elite Tutor gives sample past year IB papers along with their solution book. We also provide a whole syllabus assignments book to IB/IGCSE students for Physics (HL, SL), Mathematics ( HL, SL, Studies), Biology (HL, SL), Chemistry ( HL, SL), Economics. The sample of last year’s...
Past Paper 收集past paper的网站很多,比如IB Document、Freeexampaper、xtremepaper等等等等。这些里面都是完整的大考paper,平常可能不太有用,但大考前做它就对了。 偶尔会被查封,所以推荐多存几个网站,有备无患~ Link: https://www.ibdocuments.com/IB%20PAST%20PAPERS%20-%20SUBJECT/ Link: https://free...
Past Papers (1999-2013)目前有:1. Math HL (Math除了1999-2013也有2014的)2. Physics HL3. Physics SL4. English B HL5. Chinese A1 SL6. Economics HL 鬼鬼鬼鬼 人中龙凤 11 EBook PearsonGROUP 1English A: LiteratureGROUP 2Spanish BFrench BEnglish BGROUP 3History: 20th Century World, Causes,...
In the Past Papers section, you will find full worked solutions to the questions asked on previous IB Physics HL (Higher Level) Exams. Within each video, an experienced IB teacher will guide you through the solution, step-by-step. Past Paper Solutions Specimen Exams 2025 Specimen Exam New Pa...
IB chemistry past papers solutions chemistry paper 1 chemistry topic wise solution chemistry HL & SL Past papers solution Ib chemistry On Screen solution
3 Tips to Use IB Economics Past Papers Effectively Each full IB Economics practice test will take you three hours for SL or four hours for HL, so you need to be making the most out of each test. Some important tips to remember when you're doing the practice tests: ...
希望小伙伴们能好好利用这些,争取考出好成绩!Past papers Mandarin English Economics Business and ...
明年就正式进入IBDP 因为四月就选课所以想问问各位大佬能不能4HL 因为是已经定了phy chem mathaa三科HL 但是以后的打算是想出国 所以感觉engBsl的认可度会比较低 想试试4hl 还有就是 语言双a的话真的压力会很大吗(理科生) 谢谢各位大佬 我不知道... 7-13 4 IBDP2024年大考时间已经发布 故人小龍 大家...