科目选择:中文L&LAHL,心理HL,生物HL化学 SL,数学 AA SL,西班牙语 Ab initio SL-最终成绩:44/45,EE和TOK双A,中文A差一分小分7 今天先和大家聊聊我如何通过有效刷题复习理科(生物化学数学)内: 1、刷题强度:我在考试前 1-2个月开始有节奏地刷题,刷的主要是从2006到2022年的pastpapers。白天上课的话我会...
Past Paper 收集past paper的网站很多,比如IB Document、Freeexampaper、xtremepaper等等等等。这些里面都是完整的大考paper,平常可能不太有用,但大考前做它就对了。 偶尔会被查封,所以推荐多存几个网站,有备无患~ Link: https://www.ibdocuments.com/IB%20PAST%20PAPERS%20-%20SUBJECT/ Link: https://free...
AA HL 内容比较抽象化,加了原本 calculus(微积分)的内容,整体就比较偏向于纯数了,比较适合以后想要...
第三, 阅读量要足够大;平时多看看书,看完之后可以写写书评。比如国外有个网站叫goodreads,类似于国...
We also help our IB students with their IB Maths HL/SL papers one, two, and three. We also help them with their internal assessments, including helping our students choose a suitable topic for their Maths IA. IB Maths AA and AI Tutors explain to them the understanding and framing of the...
希望小伙伴们能好好利用这些,争取考出好成绩!Past papers Mandarin English Economics Business and ...
Throughout the course of my IB DP years my math AA SL tuition helped me bring up my grade 2 marks ( out of 7) , helping me reach my university offers. The courses were structured, chapter to chapter, using varied resources, and targeting any weakness I held in certain areas. Exam ...
不过我们也发现IB Documents团队制作的Question Bank这个网站目前还可以登录,内含 Bio,Chem,Math ,Geo, History,Bus&Mgmt,Econ,Psy等等科目的学习资料,大家赶快去按需下载。 🔗https://freeexampapers.com/exam-papers/ 此外,我们还搜集了其他的公共...
We also help our IB students with their IB Math HL/SL papers one, two, and three. We also help them with internal assessments, including helping our students choose a suitable topic for their Math IA. IB Math AA and AI Tutors explain to them the understanding and framing of the corre...
Comprehensive subject coverage, including Math, Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology), English, and more. Our IGCSE tutors are experts in exam preparation, providing structured lessons and plenty of practice with past papers. IB Tuition (PYP, MYP, DP) We cater to every stage of the IB curricul...