应用数学SL的难度和以往的Math Studies接近,HL则要求学生构建模型来解决应用问题,所以对英语能力要求也更...
IB Math Application & Analysis [IB Math AA] at both HL & SL level We offer high-quality IB Math Tutors in Japan to help students with both AA and AI. We have specialized tutors for all IB DP Math topics, such as Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Trigonometry, Statistics, Probability, etc....
一、改革后的变化 AI HL 增加了原本的 options(课程选项)中 statistics(统计学)和 graph theory(...
We also help our IB students with their IB Math HL/SL papers one, two, and three. We also help them with internal assessments, including helping our students choose a suitable topic for their Math IA. IB Math AA and AI Tutors explain to them the understanding and framing of the correct...
Access over 4,938+ IB examiner-led videos spread over 1,120+ hours, 234+ solved past papers, 38,061+ topic-wise practice questions with in-depth explanations, 5,912+ IB notes, 53,434+ IB flashcards, 333+ graded IA/EE Examples, and soooooooooo much more!Register (It's Free)Explore...
真心想分享给你们1991-2018年所有科目的Past Papers 把邮箱留给我告诉我你们需要的paper,纯帮忙! PS:还想和现在正在Suffer或者即将要suffer IB的朋友们交心的讨论一下! 沙瓜の智... 10-2 7 Ib数学要补课吗 藤原拓拓... 本人数学真的很差,就是那种ib比较简单的数学题都能拿很低的分,例如经常考2-3分...
I am a high school math teacher at an American school in Kuwait. I am going to be teaching an IB-SL class first time ever next year. As I was searching for good IB math resources online, I came across your website. This is serious stuff. You seem to have really put in a lot of...
I am a high school math teacher at an American school in Kuwait. I am going to be teaching an IB-SL class first time ever next year. As I was searching for good IB math resources online, I came across your website. This is serious stuff. You seem to have really put in a lot of...
真心想分享给你们1991-2018年所有科目的Past Papers 把邮箱留给我告诉我你们需要的paper,纯帮忙! PS:还想和现在正在Suffer或者即将要suffer IB的朋友们交心的讨论一下! 沙瓜の智... 10-2 7 Ib数学要补课吗 藤原拓拓... 本人数学真的很差,就是那种ib比较简单的数学题都能拿很低的分,例如经常考2-3分...
真心想分享给你们1991-2018年所有科目的Past Papers 把邮箱留给我告诉我你们需要的paper,纯帮忙! PS:还想和现在正在Suffer或者即将要suffer IB的朋友们交心的讨论一下! 沙瓜の智... 10-2 7 Ib数学要补课吗 藤原拓拓... 本人数学真的很差,就是那种ib比较简单的数学题都能拿很低的分,例如经常考2-3分...