科目选择:中文L&LAHL,心理HL,生物HL化学 SL,数学 AA SL,西班牙语 Ab initio SL-最终成绩:44/45,EE和TOK双A,中文A差一分小分7 今天先和大家聊聊我如何通过有效刷题复习理科(生物化学数学)内: 1、刷题强度:我在考试前 1-2个月开始有节奏地刷题,刷的主要是从2006到2022年的pastpapers。白天上课的话我会...
IB Elite Tutor gives sample past year IB papers along with their solution book. We also provide a whole syllabus assignments book to IB/IGCSE students for Physics (HL, SL), Mathematics ( HL, SL, Studies), Biology (HL, SL), Chemistry ( HL, SL), Economics. The sample of last year’s...
文科必选AI因为同级别比较的话AI简单且便应用,AA是走科学数学工科才会选!数学好或有要求就AI HL否则...
Past Paper 收集past paper的网站很多,比如IB Document、Freeexampaper、xtremepaper等等等等。这些里面都是完整的大考paper,平常可能不太有用,但大考前做它就对了。 偶尔会被查封,所以推荐多存几个网站,有备无患~ Link: https://www.ibdocuments.com/IB%20PAST%20PAPERS%20-%20SUBJECT/ Link: https://free...
Looking for past papers for other IB tests?We've got you covered with our full collections forIB English,Math,Physics,Chemistry,Geography, andEconomics. Want more information on the IB program?Learn how it works withour introductory guideand see a list ofall the courses you can take in the...
希望小伙伴们能好好利用这些,争取考出好成绩!Past papers Mandarin English Economics Business and ...
Past Papers (1999-2013)目前有:1. Math HL (Math除了1999-2013也有2014的)2. Physics HL3. Physics SL4. English B HL5. Chinese A1 SL6. Economics HL 鬼鬼鬼鬼 人中龙凤 11 EBook PearsonGROUP 1English A: LiteratureGROUP 2Spanish BFrench BEnglish BGROUP 3History: 20th Century World, Causes,...
IB chemistry past papers solutions chemistry paper 1 chemistry topic wise solution chemistry HL & SL Past papers solution Ib chemistry On Screen solution
在备考IB数学时,有效的刷题和使用教科书是取得成功的关键。以下是一些推荐的刷题资源和教科书,可以帮助你有效地准备IB数学考试: Past Papers and Practice Questions(往年试题和练习题):在备考过程中,大量的练习是非常重要的。通过做往年的IB数学试题和各种练习题,你可以熟悉考试题型和要求,加深对各个概念和技巧的理...
IBO recommends that teachers spend 240 teaching hours on IB Maths HL and 150 hours on IB Maths SL. Every student should first study the past papers and understand the examination pattern. Then, they should find out their weak and strong areas and make a study plan accordingly. ...