IB中文学习干货(四):Chinese literature SL paper 2 正文写作指导 接着(三)的内容,我们继续进行paper2的写作指导。 这是一个系列,如果有兴趣,可以参见我前面的文章: 叶悠里:IB中文学习干货(三):paper 2 解题 还是以之前考过的paper2真题【长篇小说】为例子: 小说中的人物常被置于冲突之中,并须在这种冲突所...
IB中文学习干货(四):Chinese literature SL paper 2 正文写作指导33 赞同 · 1 评论文章 paper2真题【长篇小说】: 小说中的人物常被置于冲突之中,并须在这种冲突所带来的道德困境中挣扎。请以所学过的至少两部作品为例,比较对照作者如何表现这种冲突。 前半部分我们以《家》为例进行了分析,后半部分则以《骆驼...
IB中文学习干货:Chinese literature SL paper 2 正文写作指导 IB中文学习干货知识(三):paper 2 答题 以paper2考试真题【经典小说】为事例: 小说集中的角色常被放置矛盾当中,并须在这类矛盾所提供的道德困境中挣脱。要以学过过的最少两个著作为例子,较为对比创作者怎样体现这类矛盾。 最先大家必须选中一个细读过...
课程包括IB英文文学(English Literature)和IB英文语言与文学(English Language & Literature),覆盖SL和HL两个级别,助力学生获得全球领先成绩! ▲冲刺课概览 冲刺课共设4节课,每节课2小时,高频次的集训模式让学生提前适应IB大考节奏,帮同学们...
Paper2策略完善: 通过细化策略提高准备水平,提供最终的考试策略和全面复习。 ▲英文文学课表 2 IBDP英文语言与文学冲刺课 English Language and Literature (SL & HL) 本课程针对IB语言与文学科目中的Paper 1和Paper 2备考。将探究各类文本类型背后隐藏的文学手法和策略,同时也会关注这些手法和策略如何影响全球社会问题...
IB中文A-Chinese literature SL paper1 真题写作干货分享,主要是因为部分学生上完中学出国留学学IB的,语文课考试成绩还能够,因此语言表达能力还好,并不像以前教师带过的一些学员,功底很差,写一段话都是语病。但同学们的问题取决于不清楚怎么着手,教师看了他的工作,教师给的评论是结构混乱,许多地区前后左右...
English A: literature higher level/standard level: papers 1 & 2 English A1 higher level: paper 2 English standard level A2: paper 2 Since these are officially distributed by the IBO, these are the papers and exams you should use as a starting point as you study for your test.You need ...
High school students who are enrolled in the International Baccalaureate diploma program must select and complete a course from each of the following six subject groups: studies in language and literature; language acquisition; individuals and societies; sciences; mathematics; and the arts. A touted...
Once you've figured out your category,you should brainstorm more specific topics by putting pen to paper. What was your favorite chapter you learned in that class? Was it astrophysics or mechanics? What did you like about that specific chapter? Is there something you want to learn more ...
In this multi-center phase II trial, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of a quadruplet regimen (pembrolizumab, trastuzumab, and doublet chemotherapy) as first-line therapy for unresectable or metastatic human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive advanced gastric cancer (AGC) (NCT...