---非文学文本,例如广告,博客,报纸上的新闻等,分析不同文本类型中意义的生成以及艺术效果的表达,衔接IB英文A, paper 1。 英文A属于IB六大课程体系里的第一大类:Studies in Language and Literature,俗称第一语言类。英语A是这个大类下全球IB学生选择最多的科目。 那么对于文学文本,大部分学校只教授一些原著小说,...
课程包括IB英文文学(English Literature)和IB英文语言与文学(English Language & Literature),覆盖SL和HL两个级别,助力学生获得全球领先成绩! ▲冲刺课概览 冲刺课共设4节课,每节课2小时,高频次的集训模式让学生提前适应IB大考节奏,帮同学们...
40+ Sample Extended Essays for the IB Diploma Programme In case you want a little more guidance on how to get an A on your EE, here are over 40 excellent (grade A) sample extended essays for your reading pleasure. Essays are grouped by IB subject. Biology 1 Biology 2 Biology 3 Bi...
课程包括IB英文文学(English Literature)和IB英文语言与文学(English Language & Literature),覆盖SL和HL两个级别,助力学生获得全球领先成绩! ▲冲刺课概览 冲刺课共设4节课,每节课2小时,高频次的集训模式让学生提前适应IB大考节奏,帮同学们找到考试的“手感”。 全面剖析Paper1&2考点与评估要点 核心分析技巧与...
它真的把这门课的角角落落都挖了遍,每个component ;都提供了很多干货内容,范文,sample paper,等等...
Paper 1 Guide Paper 2 Guide IO Guide IB English Paper 1 Sample How to write IB English Paper 2 IB English Paper 2 Sample Math Math AA vs AI Math IA Tips Syllabus Overview IB Math Guide Economics Syllabus Overview Econ IA Useful Tips ...
ElitePrep HK's IB English Summer Campis an immersive program designed for students preparing for the International Baccalaureate (IB) English Language and Literature course. The camp aims to enhance students' analytical skills, particularly for Paper 1, by focusing on non-literary texts such as art...
Paper 1 (Guided Textual Analysis)—2 hours 15 minutes Paper 2 (Comparative Essay)—1 hour 45 minutes Students will also submit a pre-written essay that's 1200 to 1500 words long. English Language and Literature SL Paper 1 (Guided Textual Analysis)—1 hour 15 minutes ...
High school students who are enrolled in the International Baccalaureate diploma program must select and complete a course from each of the following six subject groups: studies in language and literature; language acquisition; individuals and societies; sciences; mathematics; and the arts. A touted...
In unit 1 of our G7 English Language Acquisition course, students have been studying the nuance of words and their meanings and how understanding this can help us to be effective communicators. To demonstrate their understanding...