IB Learner Profile (国际文凭学习者培养者目标)做为IB教学的核心,涵盖了一个具有国际视野的学生应该具备的10个特征。每一个深耕在IB教学一线的老师,对此都不陌生。但对于初识IB的家长和学生,尤其是PYP的学生…
People do not just start out being open-minded. Like anything else, we get better at this Learner Profile Attribute when we think about what it means and work to improve ourselves. If we all work at being open-minde...
擅长跨学科教学,因材施教,有超过30年幼儿教育经验,曾在新加坡Hollandse School和Sir Manasseh Meyer International School担任班主任老师。 “I wonder what does IB mean? What is so great about the IB curriculum? How does an IB educa...
IB Learner Profile The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. FAQ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS...
IB LEARNER PROFILE ATTRIBUTES-Thinkers 如何成为一名勤于思考的人 Emma C. G2 “当我提出问题和分享想法的时候。” “当人们帮助解决问题时。” Chris L. G2 Elsa L. G5 “成为一个思考者很重要,因为你在做事情之前需要思考。例如:当你在写一段话时,你不想一遍又一遍地说同一件事。此外,你还可以利用你...
The IB learner profile represents 10 attributes valued by IB World Schools. We believe these attributes, and others like them, can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities. As IB learners we strive to be: INQUIRERS We nurture our curiosity,...
IB Learner Profile IB 學生的形象 下载积分: 1500 内容提示: I B Learn er Profile / I B 學生素質 I B prog ram m es aim t o d evelop in t ern at ion ally m in d ed people w h o are st rivin g t o becom e: I B 課程旨在培養具有國際視野的學生, 並努力使他們成為具下列素質...
IB Learner Profile是国际文凭组织定义的一系列学生学习成果和个人素质目标,旨在通过全面的教育体系,塑造具备国际视野和全球意识的未来公民。具体来说,IB Learner Profile包括以下方面和特质: 一、知识型(Knowledgeable) 学生应将知识应用于实际情境中,理解学科间的联系,并能将所学知识与全...
“Knowledge is when you know lots of things about many different things.” -RoseZ., G5 “The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.” -B. B. King “I believe that one of the most important things a person can do is to use their knowledge to take acti...
IB 十大培养目标 (IB Learner Profile)那么IB课程都会学习什么呢?IBDP课程包含六组学科课程,根据国际...