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This student-led initiative allows users to contribute past papers and other study resources to a free repository online.There are quite a few free English A SL/HL papers availableon the site. You'll have to navigate a kind of clunky file interface to find them, but once you do, you'll...
English A World Literature HL 我的language A只能选英语,所以一开始对我来说这真的是一个挑战,毕竟...
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Looking for past papers for other IB tests?We've got you covered with our full collections forIB English,Math,Physics,Chemistry,Geography, andEconomics. Want more information on the IB program?Learn how it works withour introductory guideand see a list ofall the courses you can take in the...
So, you have to make a long-term plan to prepare for it. And grasp the amount of knowledge that helps you to get good marks in IGCSE English. Let’s first understand the examination format to get good marks in IGCSE English You have to take two papers. Paper 1 and paper 2 or ...
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We are dedicated to support IB students who are aiming foradmission in a top tier university.We have time and time again enabled our students achieve their IB goals. Our IB tutors have developed high level IB courses. We cover the International Baccalaureate syllabus and IB past papers. ...