1)https://freeexampapers.com/exam-papers/IB/ (感谢坛友 “ DanielYuan716 ”提供链接)2)https://examsnap.io/files/index.php/s/IB_Past_Papers?path=%2FGroup%205%20-%20Mathematics%2FMathematics%20HL登录密码:exansnap (感谢坛友“Herb”提供链接)有同学提及不能访问,有可能是你使用的浏览器的问题...
This student-led initiative allows users to contribute past papers and other study resources to a free repository online.There are quite a few free English A SL/HL papers availableon the site. You'll have to navigate a kind of clunky file interface to find them, but once you do, you'll...
IB chemistry past papers solutions chemistry paper 1 chemistry topic wise solution chemistry HL & SL Past papers solution Ib chemistry On Screen solution
第三, 阅读量要足够大;平时多看看书,看完之后可以写写书评。比如国外有个网站叫goodreads,类似于国...
IB Pastpaper:这个网站有大量的英文A会考试题,几乎你想要的past paper和spiceman paper都能找到,刷题狂人走起!📘 英文B学习网站推荐: English B Pdf:这个网站纯纯的练习题网站,涵盖了英文B练习题的书本,每个题目旁都有注释,超级方便好用! Moonspace:这个网站包含所有English Btext type写作方法的分析,超级详细!里...
English A World Literature HL 我的language A只能选英语,所以一开始对我来说这真的是一个挑战,毕竟...
Don't take all of the papers back to back. Take Paper 1 one day, and Paper(s) 2 (and 3 for HL) another day. Using this real testing schedule will help you feel comfortable and prepared for the real papers. Tip 2: Time Each Paper Exactly ...
1999-2018 ..我是2019年马上要考试的IB学生!真心想分享给你们1991-2018年所有科目的Past Papers 把邮箱留给我告诉我你们需要的paper,纯帮忙!PS:还想和现在正在Suffer或者即将要su
Past papers Mandarin English Economics Business and management Geography Global Politics History Psycholog...
Timely completion of syllabus, regular rigorous testing, on-time parent engagements, Mock tests, Past Paper solving, and technology-added teaching are a few notable features of our service. IB English Tutor HK The IB English Language and literature is a subject that aims at studying the complex...