一场具有纪念意义的艺术展在掌声中落幕。选修IB艺术的学生们携手艺术老师,共同策划布展,打造艺术盛宴,为自己的艺术创作与探索画上完美的句号。 艺术是视觉的表达,或是绘画或是雕塑,又或是别具一格的装置作品,学生们道出自己对内心的探寻、对社会议题的观点、看待世界的视角,生动而深刻。
我们再来看看IB的visual arts,对于IB Art来说,学生在制作作品时的思考过程与最终的成品同样重要,成品并不是考核的全部。IB Art的考核内容分为三个部分:- 过程展示(Process Portfolio)占总成绩40%;- 成品展示(Exhibition))占总成绩40%;...
我们再来看看IB的visual arts,对于IB Art来说,学生在制作作品时的思考过程与最终的成品同样重要,成品并不是考核的全部。IB Art的考核内容分为三个部分:- 过程展示(Process Portfolio)占总成绩40%;- 成品展示(Exhibition))占总成绩40%;- 而艺术作品的比较研究 (Comparative Study)占20%。这三项考核内容对于HL(高...
As summer holidays are coming to an end, it is a great time to look back at our IB Art Exhibition in May. Our talented students under supervision of Ms. Lotus created some stunning art pieces. Check out the videos to see what's behind al...
For the overall theme of the exhibition, we chose the Chinese character “复”, which has a diversity of meanings, and one of them is “Restart”. The meaning is symbolic, because this is the first cohort of art students in our Programme, and they are the pioneers who have given a sta...
The IB Art Exhibition is a very big part of the IB art curriculum, making up 40% of the student’s grade. “Students really need to put their best foot forward as far as the artwork, the explanation of the information and the overall appearance of the exhibition”. ...
分析部分可以多看高分examples,把排版做好,每一个引用都要用MLA格式来cite。2.Process Portfolio Process...
The Visual Arts Exhibition is one of the assessment components of IB Visual Arts, which is a summary of three years of art course learning, requiring young artists to present their work from different perspectives and in different art forms, experimenting with and developing a wide range of ...
The Visual Arts Exhibition is one of the assessment components of IB Visual Arts, which is a summary of three years of art course learning, requiring young artists to present their work from different perspectives and in different art forms, experimenting with and developing a wide range of skil...
我们很高兴地欢迎家长、学生和老师参加我们于2023年3月29日举办的年度北京英国学校-顺义校区IB视觉艺术展览。 这个精彩的展览是由我们13年级的IB艺术家组织的,他们是Denisa Balazova、Mpho Adelaide Magagane、Eva Pavic、Izzabella Elfie Grace Quinn和Yihan Zhang。