IB TOK是最困扰IBer们的一门课程了,被誉为“玄学”,可想而知有多令人头疼。 TOK is one of the three elements that make up the core of the Diploma Programme.但这门课是IBDP的核心课程,也和EE或者IO一样,提前准备好,就能拿个好分数,所以实际上相当于不可错过的“送分题”。 虽然但是,其实这是一门辅...
就在最近,我们IB 11年级的同学们刚刚完成了三篇TOK object的终稿!目前,大多数同学正在着手准备自己的exhibition展板 用废弃的硬纸箱做的TOK展板,环保从TOK做起😊 简单来说在TOK object exhibition中, 每位学生需要分别选择三个来源于自...
IBDP课程体系由三项核心科目与六大学科组组成,全球IB学生均需于11年级时在相同结构下进行选科,从六大学科组中选取6项科目和一组核心科目(TOK认识论、EE拓展论文、CAS创造行动与服务),完成为期两年的学习。 1.Theory Of Knowledge TOK 认识论 —Click For A Bigger Picture— 认识论八大知识模块 (Swipe Left For ...
Students should finish their IB TOK Exhibition on their own without any help. They must choose a unique image/object for their task, and all in their schools can have different images/objects. It is a live or virtual exhibition of three objects based on one “IA prompt.” Students are ...
IBDP TOK Mock ExhibitionIB11年级认识论模拟学习成果展邀您一起共享知识的盛宴撰稿人:李泽老师、Ms. Emma HaoIB大学预科项目中的认识论模拟学习成果展于2021年1月26日在康桥一号教学楼成功举行,IB十一年级全体同学参与了本次认识论模拟学习成果展,IB教师和G...
IB TOK Tuition IB TOK Exhibition Tutors IB TOK Tutors in Singapore IB EE Tuition IB Economics Ee Tutors Blog Contact UsMy Tuition Hub India | Online Tutoring For IB & IGCSE Only Online IB Tutors. IB Tuition Hub is a leading provider of Online IB Tuition with top-class Online IB Tutors....
TOK,Theory Of Knowledge,知识概论。 这是IB的核心课程之一,也被称为IB的灵魂。 Theory of knowledge (TOK) is assessed through an exhibition and a 1,600 word essay. IB TOK是什么 曾有人评价IB的TOK是一个“内隐、好奇、发人深省”的课程,还有人说TOK强调了整个IB的意义,因为它是一门如果用死记硬背...