我也遇到了同样的问题,但是有时候能正常下载,有时候就出现failed to get cpu status ,有时候出现的...
现象:debug可以进去,而且确认MCU内部的以前的程序以及被擦除。但单步调试几步后死机状态。PC停在0xffff fffe。错误显示CPU status - LOCKUP. 0 2021-2-22 16:47:14 评论 淘帖 邀请回答 土星大使 相关推荐 • 请问如何连接/断开CYT2B9 ADC模拟输入引脚? 399 • CYT2B9可以使用IAR + J-link进行...
CPU status - IN RESETFatal error: Reading CPU status failed Session aborted!IAR Embedded Workbench 8.32.3 (C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 8.2\arm\bin\armproc.dll)Loading the I-jet/JTAGjet driver Is anybody able to help me out ? Thanks a lot. ...
Hi I have been using an I- JET with IAR to download into FLASH on a custom board using a Kinetis 20. I had not been having any issues until yesterday. I can no longer download into FLASH. I am seeing the following - "Reading CPU status failed". The entire log is below. Any ...
Conda install and update do not work also solving environment get errors I am using anaconda as below: Now I have 2 issues that stop my work. 1) I cannot use conda install for any package. It will give me the error in solving environment list this: then it will fail again ... ...
2. A common MSP430 "mistake" is to fail to disable the Watchdog mechanism; the Watchdog is enabled by default, and it resets the device if not disabled or properly handled by the application (see FAQ 14). 3. When adding source files to a project, do not add files that are included...
Sounds like there is a difference between the eval board and your custom board which causes the macro file to fail. Could you please check your custom board against the eval board regarding differences that might have influence on the steps which are performed in the macro file Best regards A...
Failure to do this can cause the call to fail during execution, or generate error or warning messages at compile time or link time. Library definitions summary This section lists the header files. Header files may additionally contain target-specific definitions. Header file assert.h ctype.h icc...