NUCLEO-F103RB Voltage : 3.24V SWD freq : 4000 KHz Connect mode: Under Reset Reset mode : Hardware reset Device ID : 0x410 Revision ID : Rev X Device name : STM32F101/F102/F103 Medium-density Flash size : 128 KBytes Device type : MCU Device CPU : Cortex-M3 Memory Programming ... Op...
Make the following two changes to your example, and you should see the SPIFI FLASH loader fail: 1) Make a large constant array: static const uint32_t array[128*1024] = {1}; This is a 512 kilobyte array that will be placed in the readonly section. 2) Reference the array so...
2. A common MSP430 "mistake" is to fail to disable the Watchdog mechanism; the Watchdog is enabled by default, and it resets the device if not disabled or properly handled by the application (see FAQ 14). 3. When adding source files to a project, do not add files that are included...
// make any reference to dummyArray, so it won't be optimized away... if(dummyArray[10]=='A') break; } return 0; } 6) Connect I-Jet to target, power up target, and press "Download and Debug"... (should fail) 7) Then, change the #if 0 to ...
This is just the simplest demonstration I could find to cause the SPIFI flash loader to run and make it as easy as possible for you to demonstrate the error. If you need additional instruction on how to use the IAR IDE, connect your board, load USB device drivers or anything...
This is just the simplest demonstration I could find to cause the SPIFI flash loader to run and make it as easy as possible for you to demonstrate the error. If you need additional instruction on how to use the IAR IDE, connect your board, load USB device drivers or...
// make any reference to dummyArray, so it won't be optimized away... if(dummyArray[10]=='A') break; } return 0; } 6) Connect I-Jet to target, power up target, and press "Download and Debug"... (should fail) 7) Then, change the #if 0 to #if 1, th...
// make any reference to dummyArray, so it won't be optimized away... if(dummyArray[10]=='A') break; } return 0; } 6) Connect I-Jet to target, power up target, and press "Download and Debug"... (should fail) 7) Then, change the #if 0 to ...