IAR (Fatal error: Could not find device)烧不进去程序 Other Parts Discussed in Thread:MSP430F5418A 我用的芯片为MSP430F5418A,仿真器为USB型 ZT-FET430UIF,SBW模式下载,焊过多块板子,都烧不进去程序,设计图如下: 使用的MSP430F5418A是新买的吗?有没有烧过熔丝? ...
"The flash loader program reported an error" "A fatal error has occurred, the debugger will terminate" I use a PE-micro multi link universal debugger, and i checked the voltage of different pin, and the supply voltage, and all is correct, and the device is identified correctly...
IAR 编译错误 Fatal Error[Pe035]: #error directive: "msp430 generic device does not have a default include file" C:\Program Files\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench Evaluation 4.0\430\INC\msp430.h 131 如果使用IAR编译MSP430的话,在建工作环境的时候就已经会包含各种头文件了。 你试过官方的例程吗,也...
and "A fatal error has occurred. The debugger will terminate." I checked all the project options and they seemed reasonable... correct target device "MK22FX512xxx12", default .board file, use I-Jet interface in SWD mode, etc. I decided to simplify things ...
A: 确认设置没有问题(和好用的工程相比) 这是设置不对,请找下面顺序修改: iar->options->li nker->output->format; 选择 Debug information for c-SPY选项 3、Q: 错误提示: Fatal Error[Cp001]: Copy protecTIon check, No valid license found for thi s product [20] A: 可以将IAR 全部安装上,但是...
1、IAR1.30 下载问题使用ST-Link V2下载IAR1.30工程的STM8L的工程代码,发现下载不了,IAR软件的DebugLog显示: An error occurred...软件卸载重装,解决了问题。 2、IAR3.10 下载问题IAR3.10无法下载STM8的代码,提示错误SWIM PROG error [42008]: Attempttowriteto ...
IAR软件应用中的错误提示1、Q: Error[e16]: Segment XDATA_Z (size: 0x19a1 align: 0) is too long for segment definition. At least 0xe4c more bytes needed. The problem occurred while processing the segment placement command -Z(XDATA)XDATA_N,XDATA_Z,XDATA_I=_XDATA_START-_XDATA_END, where...
Fatal Error[e72]: Segment BANKED_CODE must be defined in a segment definition option (-Z, -b or -P) 原因是IAR新版本使用旧版本文件 解决方法: 打开project->options->linker->config->override default 选择文件C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 6.0 Evaluation\8051\config\devices...
extern INT8U shuzi[5100];文晶提出的方法是 INT8U code shuzi[5100];这两种方法其实效果是一致的,定义完数组之后,调用的部分就是需要用指针来调用数组里面的数值了。2、Q:烧写程序时无法跳入断点 为什么我每次烧程序都出现:The stack plug-in failed to set a breakpoint o n "main". The Stack ...