echo ini_get('memory_limit');//现值 但问题不在这里 Out of memory (allocated 262144) (tried to allocate 10267220 bytes)是说你在 262144 字节可用内存中 试图申请 10267220 字节空间 这显然是不能够的 memory_limit 表示的是允许php使用的最大空间,并不是一定有 memory_limit 的内存供你使用...
in my case for the RT1020 and RT1050 instead of using NXP-MCUBootUtility I always changed the boot configuration to something not used and then run the flexspi hyper flash/nor example from internal SRAM -> the examples erase the complete flash memory if ru...
1、Sat Jun 23, 2012 17:41:05: The stack pointer for stack 'Stack' (currently Memory:0xF5336) is 原因: IAR相关设置:Tools->Option->Stack->Warn when stack pointer is out of bounds. 2、无法查看结构体/共同体/联合体 变量[Syntax e...
IAR error汇总 无编号警告类型:1、Sat Jun 23, 2012 17:41:05: The stack pointer for stack Stack (currently Memory:0xF5336) is原因:/s/blog_4c0cb1c0010153l9.html?IAR相关设置:Tools-Option-Stack-Warn when stack pointer is out of bounds.?2、无法查看结构体/共同体/联合体 变量[Syntax error,...
IAR error汇总
烧写就出现The Flash Memory Read-out protection (内存写保护) 错误。 废话少说: 要解除写保护,先仔仔stvp工具点击打开链接 打开stvp工具后: 选择option byte 选择关闭写保护,如果默认是关闭就不用管 然后点击右键选择program current 重新烧写一次,然后重... ...
1、Sat Jun 23, 2012 17:41:05: The stack pointer for stack 'Stack' (current ly Memory:0xF5336) is 原因: IAR相关设置:Tools->Option->Stack->Warn when stack pointer is out of bounds....
Internal Error: [CoreUtil/General]: Access violation(0xc0000005)at 007588A5(reading from address 0x0) Error while running C/C++ Compiler ②错误原因:High配置设置为Size,应该为Low2、①错误描述:Fatal Error[Pe1696]: cannot open source file “inc/hw_types.h” E:StellarisWareM3_9D92boardsdk-lm3s...
Wed May 28, 2014 16:05:53: Executing memory setup macro dddd B1M Flash Wed May 28, 2014 16...