I have an HP laptop with an Intel i7-7500U CPU which has 2 cores and 4 threads and runs at 2.70GHz. This should be sufficient to upgrade to Windows 11 according to the listed criteria, but I receive the this message: The processor is: Why is this not available for upgra...
Is there any chance of getting an update for the i7-7500U to be able to get the windows 11 update or install it without any problems?
系统:Windows 11 i77500u属于中低端级别的处理器。i77500u是第七代英特尔酷睿处理器系列中的一款低功耗处理器,主要面向超极本、轻薄笔记本电脑和2合1电脑市场。它采用KabyLake架构,基于14纳米制程工艺制。i77500u具有以下主要特点:1、双核心四线程设计:i7-7500U拥有2个物理核心和4个线程,可同时处理多...
Why doesn't Windows 11 support i7 7500? Is there a way to install it? Hi, all, I recently encountered a very troublesome problem. I have an old computer with a 7th generation i7 7500U processor, which is usually very easy to use. As a...
It seems your Intel Core i7-7500 is not on the list and it might not support Windows 11.
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/design/minimum/supported/windows-11-supported-intel-processors Complaining here, when you were given the correct answer, is like complaining to Dixie Cup about the coffee. Microsoft has made their decision, and your processor...
Hii everyone I have aroud 4 years old computer(running Windows10) that has the i7-7500U intel CPU.I checked with the "PC health check" app, and the...
Windows 11 要求 - What's new in Windowslearn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/whats-new/windows-...
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