Hii everyone I have aroud 4 years old computer(running Windows10) that has the i7-7500U intel CPU. I checked with the "PC health check" app, and the only missing requirment update to windows 11 ...Show More Reply View Full Discussion (112 Replies)Show Pa...
I have an HP laptop with an Intel i7-7500U CPU which has 2 cores and 4 threads and runs at 2.70GHz. This should be sufficient to upgrade to Windows 11 according to the listed criteria, but I receive the this message: The processor is: Why is this not available for upgra...
Is there any chance of getting an update for the i7-7500U to be able to get the windows 11 update or install it without any problems?
风行者Max 繁星起舞 14 主要是用途不同, 洋气的小虎牙 繁星起舞 14 这么多牛人 银影丷 风雨操场 13 低压u后缀是u 标压是m 高压是h 电压高的话主频高一些 千落倾城 笔架山巅 11 大神们,人家都没说电脑干什么用,,你们就说低压性能不好,懂一点cpu得知识就开始秀键盘是不是过分了点?登录...
低压u能都i3就不错了吧 B5G8TH6S8 ENIAC 2 i5 4590 贴吧用户_0VX33KJ Cortex 6 没楼上那么高,顶多i3水平,i7 7500u是双核的,台式机i5 4590可是4核的 百事可乐¨ AVR 4 那。。。为毛叫I7 这个不是忽悠人吗 百事可乐¨ AVR 4 谁能解释下这个I7的相比 I5 6300HQ的优势在哪? 还这么贵...
Processore non supportato da Windows 11 cosa devo fare per installare win11 tutto il resto dell'hardware è idoneo, ditemi come mai quando si dice che - 8196471
笔记本的CPU是i7的7500U好还是i5的6300HQ好? 看具体情况,你主要用于做什么。I7 7500U在办公及续航上要优于6300hq,但是如果运行游戏时,6300hq明显强于7500u,低电压的一般不推荐用作游戏用,低电压最大的优点就是续航好。如果做平面设计用,哪么这两个CPU差距还是很大的,i77500U低电压CPU,双核...
Intel 酷睿i7-7500U是一款2 核处理器,Cinebench 20多核跑分达到了735分,于推出。它是采用Q3 2016架构,4096 KB制程工艺,达到4个线程,集成核显为Intel HD Graphics 620。Intel 酷睿i7-7500U具有Kaby Lake的 L1 缓存,基本/最大CPU频率为2.70 - 3.50 GHz,具体取决于工作负载。Intel 酷睿i7-7500U的 TDP 为15 ...