Updated January 2020 This is the full installation package for USB-to-I2C Pro and USB-to-SPI Pro. Please uninstall previous version before installing this software. It is fully compatible with hardware versions 3, 4, and 5. USB-to-I2C Pro V8.3 Installation for 64-bit Windows ...
USB to I2C Professional is a general purpose I2C and SPI interface tool that allows a user to communicate with any I2C or SPI slave devices. USB-to-I2C includes the USB-based hardware and Windows software and driver that is compatible with 64-bit versions of XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows...
言归正传 不少人也体验过嵌入式开发板linux上的i2c-tools工具,能够扫描i2c总线上的设备,查看指定设备的寄存器,这样的工具要是windows上也有就好了,调试一些传感器或者摄像头SCCB之类的就不用在找开发板来做了。串口是很多搞嵌入式开发的必备工具,如果身边的随手可见的串口突然也可以调试i2c,spi了会不会感觉瞬间美滋滋?
Linux, macOS, Windows, ARM, and containers Hosted runners for every major OS make it easy to build and test all your projects. Run directly on a VM or inside a container. Use your own VMs, in the cloud or on-prem, with self-hosted runners. Matrix builds Save time with matrix workflow...
(图x,没有) 1.5.2 多重继承 1.6 虚函数与多态性 1.7 类的书写规范 1.8 小结 第2 章 Windows 程序内部运行原理 2.1 Windows 应用程序,操作系统,计算机硬件之间的相互关系 2.1.1 关于API (图1,没有) 2.1.2 关于消息及消息队列 (图1、图2 没有) 2.2 什么是句柄 2.3 谈谈WinMain 函数 (例子代码EX02-...
instantclient-basic-windows.x64- 下载该文件,解压到plsql的安装目录下,注意instantclient_12_1/xx.exe的路径,,和instantclient_12_1同级别的有plsql.exe 上传者:yangweizhen520bei时间:2020-05-07 serial-string-receiver-tools.zip_serial串口接收_string receiver_串口通信 ...
Linux, macOS, Windows, ARM, and containers Hosted runners for every major OS make it easy to build and test all your projects. Run directly on a VM or inside a container. Use your own VMs, in the cloud or on-prem, with self-hosted runners. Matrix builds Save time with matrix workflow...
Mit dem FTDI Driver for I2C SPI GPIO können Sie SPI-I2C- und Allzweck-I/O (GPIO) im FT4222H-Gerätecontroller lesen und schreiben.+ Mehr lesen Downloads Unterstütztes OS Windows Version Latest Enthaltene Editionen Full Bitanzahl der Anwendung 32 Bit und 64 Bit Sprache Englisch...
Windows Version Latest Included Editions Full Application Bitness 64-bit Language English Disclaimer:The Third-Party Add-Ons for LabVIEW on this page are offered by independent third-party providers who are solely responsible for these products. NI has no responsibility whatsoever for the performance, ...
功能 PROFIBUS DP配置工具 DP主站的交互式配置和數據參數化 設備描述的輸入 (GSD文件) 二進制和ASCII數據輸出 自主設置總線的理想參數 DP主站在線下載 (PC通訊介面卡連接) 利用DP配置工具和PC通訊介面卡創建配置文件的應用示例 系統要求 PC,WIN XP/2000/NT/9x 或 Windows NT 4.0 ...