I2C_protocol.doc Page2of14 3/21/2008 Notes: 1.The'X'symbolinthefollowingtablesrepresentsfora"don’tcare"bit. 2.AllI2Cstandardcommandsetsareshownincapitalcharacters. Table4-1. I2CMasterTransmittedNEC1�IRTransmitter No DataFormat Description ...
根据MPU6050 datasheet 9.3 I2C Communications Protocol 小节可知(注释2),主机要通过I2C写入/读取MPU6050某一个寄存器一字节的数据,其通信步骤序列应该如下图所示 我们以读取内部寄存器单个字节数据为例做详细介绍,首先确定通信的目的为主机Master从从机Slave内部某个寄存器internal register中读取一个字节数据,以下为详细通...
http://www.lammertbies.nl/comm/info/I2C-bus.html http://www.analog.com/static/imported-files/application_notes/54305147357414AN686_0.pdf http://www.ti.com/lit/an/scaa106/scaa106.pdf http://www.totalphase.com/support/articles/200349176-7-bit-8-bit-and-10-bit-I2C-Slave-Addressing#8bit ...
EEPROM Serial 128-Kb I2C CAT24C128 Description The CAT24C128 is a EEPROM Serial 128−Kb I2C internally organized as 16,384 words of 8 bits each.It features a 64−byte page write buffer and supports both the Standard (100 kHz), Fast (400 kHz) and Fast−Plus (1 MHz) I2C protocol....
This document describes the command set for the sensor’s I2C interface. For detailed information about the I2C protocol itself and its detailed implementation, please consult the document "NXP I2C-bus specification and user manual" (http://www.nxp.com/documents/user_manual/UM10204.pdf).The ...
I2C (Inter Integrated Circuit) is a low-speed serial data protocol, commonly used to transfer data between multiple components and modules within a single device. Developed in the early 1980s by Philips Semiconductors (now NXP), I2C employs 2 signal wires to transfer “packets” of information ...
The I2C protocol and the EFM32 I2C module feature several mechanisms for handling bus conflicts and contention. A possible I2C connection scheme is illustrated in Figure 1.1 (p. 2) . Figure 1.1. I2C Bus I2C m aster #1 I2C m aster #2 I2C slave #1 I2C slave #2 VDD I2C slave #3 SDA ...
Triggering by external µC possible via I2C protocol Interrupt signal to indicate a valid measurement to the microcontroller Benefits Component reduction due to 3D magnetic measurement principle Wide application range addressable due to high flexibility ...
Figure 2. Protocol configurationUsing the code exampleCreate the projectThe ModusToolbox™ tools package provides the Project Creator as both a GUI tool and a command line tool.Use Project Creator GUI Open the Project Creator GUI tool. There are several ways to do this, including launching ...
1.10a Jan 2010 Removed reference to I2C protocol created by Philips (NXP). 1.10a Dec 2009 Corrected dependencies for IC_SS_SCL_HIGH_COUNT, IC_SS_SCL_LOW_COUNT, IC_FS_SCL_HIGH_COUNT, and IC_FS_SCL_LOW_COUNT parameters; corrected IC_RE T_EN parameter description; modified description of...