MPU6050的从机地址由芯片上的AD0引脚确定,当AD0引脚接地时,从机地址为0X68; 当AD0引脚接VCC时,从机地址为0X69; 根据上面MPU6050芯片硬件原理图可知此时MPU6050的从机地址为0X68 根据MPU6050 datasheet 9.3 I2C Communications Protocol 小节可知(注释2),主机要通过I2C写入/读取MPU6050某一个寄存器一字节的数据,其通...
【BUS】I2C总线协议 I2C总线(Inter Integrated-Circuit)是由PHILIPS公司在上世纪80年代发明的一种电路板级串行总线标准,通过两根信号线——时钟线SCL和数据线SDA——即可完成主从机的单工通信。总线硬件连接极其简单,不同I2C设备挂接在总线上,只需在信号线安装上拉电阻即可完成硬件线路的搭建。另外,I2C总线采用器件地址...
I2C_protocol.doc Page2of14 3/21/2008 Notes: 1.The'X'symbolinthefollowingtablesrepresentsfora"don’tcare"bit. 2.AllI2Cstandardcommandsetsareshownincapitalcharacters. Table4-1. I2CMasterTransmittedNEC1�IRTransmitter No DataFormat Description ...
I2C总线协议简介毕业外文文献翻译.doc,翻译 THE INTRODUCE OF 12C-BUS PROTOCOL 1、 THE 12C-BUS SPECIFICATION 1.1、 Here are some of the features of the l2C~bus: Only two bus I i nes are requ i red ; A serial data line (SDA) and a ser i a I cl ock line (SCL).
The CAT24C128 is a EEPROM Serial 128−Kb I2C internally organized as 16,384 words of 8 bits each.It features a 64−byte page write buffer and supports both the Standard (100 kHz), Fast (400 kHz) and Fast−Plus (1 MHz) I2C protocol.Write operations can be inhibited by taking the...
The I2C protocol allows connection of a wide variety of peripherals without the need for separate addressing or chip enable signals. Additionally, a microcontroller that includes an I2C interface is more successful in the marketplace due to the wide variety of existing peripheral devices ailable. 2...
4 Important Notices 7 Headquarters and Subsidiaries 7 1Introduction This application note describes the protocol to operate the SFA30 formaldehyde sensor module via the provided I2C interface. Please refer to the sensor module datasheet for electrical specifications and further details.IMPORTANT NOTE: The...
But there was a very robust serial protocol already in use — one you’ve probably used yourself. IIC or I2C (depending on who you ask). Continue reading “In A World Without USB…” → Posted in Peripherals Hacks, RetrocomputingTagged access.bus, i2c ...
It is a simple two-wire bus with a - ined protocol for system control, which is used in temperature sensors and voltage level translators to EEPROMs, general-purpose I/O, A/D and D/A converters, CODECs, and many types of microprocessors. 1.2.1 DW_apb_i2c Block Diagram Figure 1-2 ...
Serial Protocol Decoding Automation & Integration Oscilloscope hardware features Updated on 21 January 2025 Click here to skip to a step-by-step PicoScope tutorial I2C (Inter Integrated Circuit) is a low-speed serial data protocol, commonly used to transfer data between multiple components and module...