很容易看出该模块顶层包含APB接口模块APB、分别用于缓存发送和接收数据的FIFO_TX和FIFO_RX,以及I2C协议转换模块I2X_INTERNAL_RX_TX。master通过APB总线访问该IP核内部的数据缓存区和配置寄存器,无需关注内部实现。 除了这几个方面,配置寄存器的访问也非常重要。IP核必须做出正确的配置和使能才可以按照需要正常工作。配置...
5. Master发起START 6. Master发送I2C addr(7bit)和r操作1(1bit),等待ACK 7. Slave发送ACK 8. Slave发送data(8bit),即寄存器里的值 9. Master发送ACK 10. 第8步和第9步可以重复多次,即顺序读多个寄存器 读一个寄存器 读多个寄存器 2.I2C master的verilog model 1modulei2c_master_model (scl, sda); ...
This paper describes the verification of I2C DUT using System Verilog. The DUT has been verified for all four possible configurations, which are: Master TX, Master Rx, Slave TX, and Slave Rx. The verification environment is designed in System Verilog for verifying the DUT which ac...
Once released from reset, the busy port deasserts when the I2C master is ready to communicate again. Conclusion This I2C master is a programmable logic component that accommodates communication with I2C slaves via a straightforward parallel interface. It adheres to the NXP I2C specification in rega...
基于FPGA的I2C实验Verilog源代码_代码分析_Master/Slave_fpga_verilog_i2cverific I2C verilong code 详细代码分析,根据协议每一步都有分析,进过验证,代码分slave和master部分,代码比较成熟 上传者:weixin_42682754时间:2021-10-04 基于FPGA的I2C控制器设计-源码 ...
在VHDL语言中使用MPU6050的I2C master无法工作可能是由于以下几个原因导致的: 电路连接问题:首先需要确保MPU6050与FPGA开发板之间的I2C接口连接正确,包括SCL(时钟线)和SDA(数据线)的连接。还需要检查电源供应是否正常,确保MPU6050能够正常工作。 时序问题:I2C通信需要严格的时序控制,包括时钟频率、起始信号、停止信号、...
I2C_Master.rar Verilog经典教程(中文). LM3S I2C_Master 硬件描述语言Verilog HDL Verilog 的135个经典设计实例 Verilog语法简易教程 101条Verilog和SystemVerilog设计陷阱 SystemVerilog_DPI EDA技术实用教程——VerilogHDL版学习报告 System+Verilog语言在数字系统设计中的应用猜你喜欢(月热门下载)...
When to Use an I2C Component The I2C component is an ideal solution when networking multiple devices on a single board or small system. The system can be designed with a single master and multiple slaves, multiple masters, or a combination of masters and slaves. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation...
reg MACK_Rcvd; // master acknowledge received flag reg WrCycle; // memory write cycle reg RdCycle; // memory read cycle reg [07:00] ShiftRegister; // input data shift register reg [07:00] ControlByte; // control byte register wire RdWrBit; // read/write control bit reg [06:00] ...
No two slaves in the system can have thesame address. Only the slave with an address that matches the one transmitted by themaster will respond by returning an acknowledge bit by pulling the SDA low at the 9thSCL clock cycle. Note: The core supports 10bit slave addresses by generating two...