// The state machine then waits for updt to be set. // When the updt bit is set, the interface asserts u_enb low on a // falling-edge of clk and addr/data is latched on the next falling edge // (rd_clk should be on the rising-edge). The state machine writes // data to t...
http://code.craftor.org/20160801/i2c_interface_v1.v 对24C02读写的测试程序 http://code.craftor.org/20160801/ctrl_24C02.v 用到的分频程序 http://code.craftor.org/20160801/clk_div.v 写在最后: 文中及文中提到的代码和设计全为Craftor原创,转载请保留作者信息。 文中代码仅供交流和学习使用,不...
Due to the structure of the I2Cinterface, the core uses a 5*SCL clock internally. The prescale register must beprogrammed to this 5*SCL frequency (minus 1). Change the value of the prescaleregister only when the ‘EN’ bit is cleared. Example: wb_clk_i = 32MHz, desired SCL = 100...
The design is also synthesized in Xilinx XST 14.1. This module acts as a slave for the microprocessor which can be customized for no data loss.Keywords: Inter Integrated circuit, serial data, serial clock, slave, verilogDeepa KaithDr. Janankkumar B. PatelMr. Neeraj Gupta...
GitHub repository:https://github.com/alexforencich/verilog-i2c Introduction I2C interface components. Includes full MyHDL testbench with intelligent bus cosimulation endpoints. Documentation Template module for peripheral initialization via I2C. For use when one or more peripheral devices (i.e. PLL ch...
Verilog I2C interface for FPGA implementation (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 mix 2025-01-27 21:10:06 积分:1 Base_Type_Convert 2025-01-27 21:09:17 积分:1 常用工具 2025-01-27 21:01:40 积分:1 langx-java 2025-01-27 21:01:02 积分:1 ...
3 verilog HDL 代码设计 由于I2C 总线传输协议可知,I2C 在传输过程中存在着几个固定的状态,因此我们采用同步状态机来设计I2C 模块。主状态机共有5个状态:空闲(Idle ),开始(Start ),发送数据(Tx ),接收数据(Rx ),停止(Stop )。图3 I2C 模块主状态机状态转移图 Idle :I2C 总线处在空闲状态。Start :当...
I2C接口距离传感器ap3216c读写Verilog驱动源码Quartus工程文件,FPGA型号Cyclone4E系列中的EP4CE10F17C8,Quartus版本18.0。 module ap3216c_top( //global clock input sys_clk , // 系统时钟 input sys_rst_n , // 系统复位 //ap3216c interface output ap_scl , // i2c时钟线 inout ap_sda , // i2c...
I2C接口距离传感器ap3216c读写Verilog驱动源码Quartus工程文件,FPGA型号Cyclone4E系列中的EP4CE10F17C8,Quartus版本18.0。 module ap3216c_top( //global clock input sys_clk , // 系统时钟 input sys_rst_n , // 系统复位 //ap3216c interface output ap_scl , // i2c时钟线 inout ap_sda , // i2c...