接下来,我们首先描述i-Octree的数据结构和构造方法,然后重点讨论动态更新和最近邻搜索。 图1. 在测距中使用i-Octree的示例。i-Octree和测距技术协同工作,以估算从范围传感器获得的3D数据的姿态。i-Octree提供了一个稳健且高效的数据结构...
i-Octree 的一个父节点有八个子节点,每个子节点对应一个 octant,一个 octant 即一个轴对齐立方体。除非一个节点包含的点数小于给定值 b 或者extent 小于最小 extent e_{min} ,否则这个节点对应的 octant 都会被均匀划分为八个更小的 octant。为了节省内存,不包含点的节点不会被创建。此外,每个叶子节点中仅仅保...
为了解决这个问题,作者提出了 i-Octree,一种动态八叉树数据结构,支持快速最近邻搜索和实时动态更新,例如点插入、删除和树上的降采样,i-Octree 基于基于叶子的八叉树构建,并具有两个关键特征:局部连续的空间存储策略,允许快速访问点同时最小化内存使用;以及局部树上的更新,与现有的静态或动态树结构相比,显著减少计算...
本文提出了一种名为 i-Octree 的动态八叉树结构,它可以逐步更新八叉树以纳入新的点,并实现快速最近邻搜索。此外i-Octree 在时间和内存效率上表现出色,适用于各种类型的点,并允许在树上进行降采样和基于盒子的删除。我们对随机数据和实际开放数据集进行了验证实验,以评估 i-Octree 的有效性。在随机数据实验中i-...
Breadcrumbs i-octree / results.txtTop File metadata and controls Code Blame 84 lines (64 loc) · 1.21 KB Raw 0 ioctree 1.267549991607666 all_pts.shape: torch.Size([805285, 3]) OctreeMap.get_size(): 805285 scipy 0.24289608001708984 1 ioctree 1.5836060047149658 scipy 0.4567561149597168 2 ioctre...
i-Octreeis a dynamic octree data structure that supports both fast nearest neighbor search and real-time dynamic updates, such as point insertion, deletion, and on-tree down-sampling. The i-Octree is built upon a leaf-based octree and has two key features: a local spatially continuous storing...
i-Octree is a dynamic octree data structure that supports both fast nearest neighbor search and real-time dynamic updates, such as point insertion, deletion, and on-tree down-sampling. The i-Octree is built upon a leaf-based octree and has two key features: a local spatially continuous stori...
() if i==0: all_pts = pts print("all_pts.shape: ", all_pts.shape, file=f) print("OctreeMap.get_size(): ", OctreeMap.get_size(), file=f) else: all_pts = torch.cat([all_pts, pts],dim=0) tree_gloabl = KDTree(all_pts, compact_nodes=False) min_dis, min_nnIDx = ...
i-Octreeis a dynamic octree data structure that supports both fast nearest neighbor search and real-time dynamic updates, such as point insertion, deletion, and on-tree down-sampling. The i-Octree is built upon a leaf-based octree and has two key features: a local spatially continuous storing...