雇员身份证明表 i-9说明书 Employment Eligibility Verification Department of Homeland Security U.S.Citizenship and Immigration Services USCIS Form I-9 OMB No.1615-0047 Expires 07/31/2026 START HERE: Employers must ensure the form instructions are available to employees when completing this form. ...
I-9 用户手册说明书 I-9 User Guide Online I-9 & E-Verify Process Updated June 2023
Revised the Lists of Acceptable Documents page to include some acceptable receipts as well as guidance and links to information on automatic extensions of employment authorization documentation. Added a box that eligible employers must check if the employee's For...
If a non-citizen employee possesses an employment authorization document with an expiration date,it is the employer’s responsibilityto ensure that the employee remains eligible to work. Updated documents must be examined and documented throughout the course of employment. Completing the I-9 Form: T...
INS Form I-766 (for an Employment Authorization document) Active Select this check box if the document type is available as a Form I-9 verification document in the I-9 document form. Expire Enter the expiration date of the document. Issuing agency Select the government authority that is autho...
DHS-issued employment authorization documents, such as a Form I-94, Arrival/Departure Record Employer’s role in verifying I-9 for remote employees Now, let’s look at the employer’s role in verifying I-9 forms for remote employees. The employer must inspect the employee’s documents and ...
List A documentsare approved to serve as evidence of both identity and employment authorization; a valid U.S. passport, for example, satisfies List A requirements.List B documents, on the other hand, establish an individual’s identity only (state driver’s licenses, for example). Therefore,Li...
Correctly complete Form I-9 documents for employment eligibility verification and work authorization to avoid I-9 enforcement penalties.
employeemaypresenttoestablishemploymentauthorizationandidentity.Therefusaltohireorcontinuetoemployanindividualbecausethedocumentation presentedhasafutureexpirationdatemayalsoconstituteillegaldiscrimination. Section4・EmployeeInformationandAttestation(EmployeesmustcompleteandsignSection1ofForm1-9nolaterthanthefirst ...
The Form I-9 is mandatory and used to verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the US. Proper documents must be presented to authenticate identity and employment eligibility. Both employees and employer are responsible for completing the Form I-9. Many...