PUBLIC TRANSPORT between the major English and Scottish cities, and within Scotland, is reasonably fast and convenient. But logic has no place in the pricing structures and distance is no indicator of cost. Finding out the cheapest fares could baffle Einstein....
"You Take the High Road and I'll Take the Low Road." Journal of the American Institute of HomeopathyWilliams, Henry
苏格兰高地——O ye'll tak' the high road, and I'll tak' the low road, And I'll be in Scotland a'fore ye 2018.2.3 犹豫了半天,觉得最好的游记不应该靠看照片回顾,照片包含了太多细节,省略了很多动态和意境,好的游记应当写出主观的印象与感情,于是决定把两百多张照片搁置一旁,赶紧写一写今天。 ...
The face lingers at the window for an hour or so, then the shutters are dosed once more, and as likely as not there will not be another soul to be seen along the main street. These August afternoons -- when your shift is finished there is absolutely nothing to do; you might as well...
You take the high road and I'll take the low road. I'll be in Scotland before you, but me and my true love will never be again on the bonnie bonnie bank of Loch Lomond. û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍...
it came down to the a it came upon a midnig it can be seen under it can happen to it can not be apparen it can not happen tha it can take years it cannot waitim your it cant be helped it cant be love if yo it chief it comes from god rom it concerns you it concludes that ...
ill give you everythi ill miss you more tha im a fox im alrightim just fin im going back to new im itching for this im working on-it ill like awayfire awa ill take the chance im a waste of your ti im only me when im wi im safe im safe im sorry for criticiz im still in ...
“It's worth being in jail to see you again and to hear you say things like that. I really couldn't believe my ears when they brought me your name.You see, I never expected you to forgive me for my patriotic conduct that night on the road near Rough and Ready.But I take it that...
“Anobservatorycannevertaketheplaceofgettingoutintoarurallandscapeunderablanket ofstars,”saysGaryLinternofStargazingNightsinDurham,England,wholeadsguidednighttime hikes.“It?sa magicalexperience,andIenjoysharingit,especiallyatsomeofmyfavorite locations,liketheHighForceWaterfall,England?slargestwaterfall,inTeesdale...