If someone you know goes through an illness or injury, you ask them about that specific malady. “How’s your knee?” or “How’s the recovery from Covid going?” Why don’t we treat mental health the same way? We need to normalize asking our loved ones propositions like, “How’s ...
I own six chickens ranging in age from two to six years. Yes, the chickens have names: Shadow, Speckles, Acadia, Sequoia, Delaine, and Keeley. (I know! I thought the same thing. The last two totally sound like they could be your White House press secretary.) ...
know that as long as you make voting intention clear on your ballot paper, your vote counts. It doesn’t have to be a cross in the little box beside your necessary candidate. Draw a crudely drawn knob in there. Write “this candidate...
She was pooping dachshund-sized landmines everywhere for days. I don't mean poops equivalent to poops a dachshund might poop, I mean poops that just needed legs, a collar and a tail to be mistaken for actual dachshunds. How her butthole didn't go on strike, I don't know. It is ...
Did the Pope see it when the bird shit on your friend: I think that The Pope is everywhere and anywhere so a little part of me would like to believe that he did see the drive-by pooping, even though I know that priceless memory is only between me, Annie-Smack-That-Fannie, and that...
So, to time myself at hand-washinginstead of singing the insipid happy birthday song, I have been soaping my paws while warbling two rounds of my childhood summer camp favorite:Scab Sandwich. If you don’t know the tune, you could improvise your own; in case you haven’t heard the ly...
I can’t remember the name of it. I couldn’t track it down, but there’s a minicomic where you’re — I don’t know if it has your name on it, but I had always heard that it’s you and maybe three other people — doing comics that are really disgusting, about pooping. ...