281. “I love you, Im Meahri. I’m sorry because you suffered alone. For admitting it so late, I am sorry. You aren’t going anywhere now. I am not letting you go anywhere.”― Yoon Sang-hyun 282. “My mom was never afraid to say, ‘I’m sorry. I screwed up.’ I feel l...
I urge our people everywhere, with all of the persuasiveness of which I am capable, to live worthy to hold a temple recommend, to secure one and regard it as a precious asset, and to make a greater effort to go to the House of the Lord and partake of the spirit and the blessings t...
In 2023 I am switching to a combination of Walmart and Food Basics. Here's why. Is everything political? What is wrong about thinking that way? On restaurants (deeply) loved and lost: Grano's Homage or ripoff? Beyoncé's Run The World (Girls) vs. M.I.A.'s Boyz Against gratitude...
t thought about my weight, what I’m eating or how much (or little) I’m exercising. I labeled food as “good” and “bad” and judged myself by what I put in my mouth. “Good” food made me feel virtuous and worthy. “Bad” food made me feel guilty and full of self-loathing...
I Am Not A Possession Quotes Top 10 Possession Quotes I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess. —Martin Luther Do not give in too much to feelings. Aoverly sensitive heart is an unhappypossession...
英文说的是 I am not worthy to carry his sandals,汉语翻译为“我给他提鞋也不配”,完美。 小结今天的内容 Hold a candle to (someone or something) 的意思就是to compare to someone or something,can't hold a candle...
Dateline: Tuesday am.Always-on-her-toes-and-ever-vigilant-re-the-cultural-zeitgeistfriend LAH alerted me to something which sounded too good to be true.Oh,moiselfof little faith! I doubted her at first…until I remembered that the internet would never lie to us; thus, after severalhoursmin...
Like theMonotheists Are The Worstauthor, I am religion-free, and wish that more[6]people viewed the world in the same way. Unlike the author, I do not think that “….our society would be vastly better, even (if it were still) full of religion, if we had pantheons instead of mon...
My parents ultimately didn’t try to get me to stop outright (for which I am profoundly grateful), but everyone agreed that it would be good if I could, and any fleeting reduction was celebrated or, at least, seen as a sign of progress. I still don’t have the skills for ...
Worthy myGemma Pawn shops Auction houses 6. Your wedding dress If your wedding gown is in good condition and isn’t more than a couple of years old, you should be able to earn back a good percentage of its retail price — especially for dresses from top-name designers like Vera Wang...