If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you wont give up. If you give up, you're not worthy. ... Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for. — Bob Marley 348 Not by gain our life is measured, But by wh...
In 2023 I am switching to a combination of Walmart and Food Basics. Here's why. Is everything political? What is wrong about thinking that way? On restaurants (deeply) loved and lost: Grano's Homage or ripoff? Beyoncé's Run The World (Girls) vs. M.I.A.'s Boyz Against gratitude...
Here is a real-life example from my own life:For the longest time, I always thought to myself, I am so dumb at SEO (Search Engine Optimization.) Anytime the topic would come up, my heart would fill up with dread. I knew, as a blogger, it was super important to understand, but ...
F said to Y, “I am curious about something. You’ve said in the past that every woman you’d raped had brought on her own assault. What did X do to deserve this attack? What did X do that prompted you to attack her?”
Je pense donc je suis -- cogito, ergo sum -- I think, therefore, I am -- 我思故我在 -- Ich denke, also bin ich
As for us guests (and how the meaning of that word has been cut away little by little.), we just have to put up with it. There’s also the nonsense of so many friendly hotel night porters having been gradually withdrawn from service in the interests of “efficiency” (i.e. profits)...
a他有多少个同学 He has how many schoolmates[translate] aI sincerely hope that with you to live together, but reality tells me I am not worthy of ownership, now. 我恳切地希望那与您在一起生活,但现实告诉我我不是值得的归属,现在。[translate]...
I’m/We’re not worthy meaning, definition, what is I’m/We’re not worthy: used humorously to say that you consider...: Learn more.
You, of course, lose a little here due to their size and shape, meaning you don't quite get that immersion factor of all-encompassing bass but, for earbuds, these perform excellently. Even the mic, something that is often pretty poor in earbuds, is of servicable quality too. They can...
I love Beijing opera, because it always reminds me of who I am. But I am also a fan of modern pop music, the No.1 fan of Spice Girls on campus. of course, it goes far beyond food, music and dance. It goes into values and ways of thinking about the world. ...