My header reflects my having had this book on my device for 2 years, but just now getting to read it. The saying 'Better late then never" surely applies here. I am so very glad that I corrected my previous...
I am an active playgoer and play-reader, and perhaps my best reason for editing this book is a hope of sharing my enthusiasm for the theater with others. To do this I have searched through dozens of plays to find the ones ...
By Kerrville, Texas A few years ago, I was leaving the dog kennel where I worked only to find a baby goat at the end of the driveway. The kennel’s owners are known animal rescuers, and I figured someone dumped him over the ...
I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but I am so glad I had the opportunity to read and review this one. And this is such a good book. The excitement starts in the very beginning, and
From Goodreads: After yet another bar fight and arrest, bad boy Ronan Reed leaves Texas to live with his Uncle Shane, alpha of the Blood Moon pack. Since werewolf cage fighting isn’t illegal in Louisiana, Ronan makes big plans to lead his own team in the ring. But when he sets eyes...
I'm Glad I'm Me, this children's book used for building self esteem comes as a great Parenting Book, Child Abuse Prevention, Self Help Books, Children's Learning Books, teaching values by teachers, clergy, libraries, psychologist, social workers, parents
分享方式: Facebook LinkedIn 電子郵件 列印 Random helpful stuff that I have found along the way 文章 25/09/2024 This site will primarily serve as my place to store links and info that I refer to alot as I work with MS customers.THIS...
This is why I am Dr. Tiller. Dr. Tiller Works in New York. Mar 5th, 2012 When I was teaching in a low-income inner-city high school in Texas, I saw too many of my students leaving school to have babies. The girls would miss class here and there for their doctor’s appointments,...
TheTexas Teen Book Festivalhas announced the date of their TENTH year - October 6, 2018! I am so lucky to be a part of an amazing organization that connects teens and fans of YA to some pretty amazing authors and their books. Last year was a year of so many firsts, and we've alre...
TEXAS INSTRUMENTS德州仪器AM26LV32CAM26LV32I 数据手册.PDF,SLLS202E − MAY 1995 − REVISED JUNE 2005 † Switching Rates up to 32 MHz D OR NS PACKAGE Operates From Single 3.3-V Supply (TOP VIEW) Ultra-Low Power Dissipation . . . 27 mW Typ 1B 1 16 VCC