She worked for 20 years on earning an associated degree,which she received in 1995. But Fein told the AP she also4to earn a bachelor's degree “with all of my heart. ” Fein took part in a state program that ...
A decade after their Texas beginnings, thousands of Turquoise Tables exist in all 50states and in 13 countries around the world. Not all of them are actually turquoise. “No matter what color it is, it’s a friendship tabl...
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“People’s greatest need is to know that they are loved and that they belong,” she says. A decade after their Texas beginnings, thousands of Turquoise Tables exist in all 50 states and in 13 countries around the world. Not all of them are actually turquoise. “No matter what color it...
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Kristin Schell is the founder of The Turquoise Table, a movement of ordinary people who want to create community right in their own front yards. Ten years ago, she and her family moved to a new home in Austin, Texas. One day, Kristin tried to connect with her new neighbors by hosting ...
Shelikeshowitenableshertotakeasmallsteptowardeasinglonelinessandbuildingrelationshipsinhercommunity.“People’sgreatestneedistoknowthattheyarelovedandthattheybelong,”shesays. AdecadeaftertheirTexasbeginnings,thousandsofTurquoiseTablesexistinall50statesandin13countriesaroundtheworld.Notallofthemareactuallyturquoise.“No...