The peace Jesus offers is not the absence of conflict but a deep, abiding sense of well-being and assurance found only in Him. This peace is rooted in the relationship with Christ and is a fulfillment of the promise of peace given in Isaiah 9:6, where the Messiah is called the "...
Still, to me, Mormonism is a cult, as with Seventh Day Adventists, Jehova’s Witnesses, and Christian Identity/British Israelism (but I do love the Mormon Tabenacle Choir’s version of “The Halleluja Chorus” from Handel’s “Messiah” Symphony). And there are funny scenes in this one...
“Trump, the Savior of the Jews” Rabbis claim that Trump is the Messiah of Edom (the West) who will lead it to assist and serve Israel. According to Exodus 21:6, a Servant who wants to remain with his Master needs to have his right ear pierced. Trump…
The website of the pro-government Straits Times was hacked early in the day by apparent members of the group, which is opposing recently introduced licensing rules for news websites in Singapore on censorship grounds. The attackers, using the name “Messiah”, took over the blog of a Straits...
So, shit. Now i am all having messiah syndrome thinking that it’s my calling to promote ALL the good stuff about Japan to the whole world. Which i am gonna. lol. Because i want everyone to LOVE JAPAN so it will become an even more awesome country for the world. ...
Indeed, there are some Fundamentalists (the Dominionists, for example) who believe that if you are not a member of their particular circle, then you are not a true Christian, and that once they take power, you must be eliminated to make way for the rule of the messiah. Nice bunch. ...
Jennifer Love Hewitt On Becoming a Scream Queen 6:10 AM PDT, Tue Oct 17, 2017 The 'Party of Five' star told ET how the 1997 classic turned her life upside down -- and she even showed off her signature horror scream on the red carpet. ...
despite the vague allusion by their clerics that Shiite victory and supremacy will bring closer the End of Days and the arrival of the Islamic Messiah. They learnt their lesson from the Iran-Iraq war, where they lost millions of their people in what seemed like a pointless war. No, Iran ...
This post is contributed by a friend of mine,Wei Kiat, who is a regular IT dude. He has some interesting perspectives to share on therecent Anonymous and Messiah saga. If you found what was written here useful, do share this post to stop the fear-mongering: ...