We are awash in Jesus fiction. It’s not surprising. Jesus is the best-known figure of history, but in many ways he is also the least known. This makes a great subject for the novelist. Jesus was the Messiah (Christ), the Son of God who was crucified for the sins of humanity befor...
After reading this, Jesus announced that this prophecy is now fulfilled. Jesus was stating that he personally was the coming Messiah that Isaiah wrote about 700 years earlier. Of course this caused an uproar. That’s an enormously bold statement to make. Further, Jesus was not acting like the...
"The Advice Pod - Reddit Stories and Advice" Why did Jesus wait until he was in his 30s before he started doing his messiah stuff? (Podcast Episode 2023) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
First, the idea of a Divine Personality, and of the union of the two Natures in the Messiah, seems to have been foreign to the Jewish auditory of Jesus of Nazareth, and even at first to His disciples. Secondly, they appear to have regarded the Messiah as far above the ordinary human,...
Did Jesus refer to the Book of Deuteronomy? Is the word messiah in the Old Testament? Is Galatians in the Old Testament? Who is Jesus according to the New Testament? Is John in the New Testament? Was the Old Testament written before Jesus?
Furthermore, Jesus made an unmistakable claim to deity before the Chief Priests and the whole Sanhedrin. Caiaphas the High Priest asked him: "'Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?' 'I am,' said Jesus. 'And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right ha...
Jesus Christ, the Messiah and only savior of mankind didn’t speak in platitudes regarding his personality and purpose on earth
The Old Testament Jewish Bible made many prophesies about the Messiah to come. Did Jesus fulfill those prophecies? Of course, he did. It is only natural that the people who told the story of Jesus would make the story conform to the prophecies. Recommended Adam Was Not the First Human, fo...
Nephi’s clarification that the Messiah was “a Savior of the world” may seem odd to modern Christians who are well acquainted with the New Testament’s depiction of Jesus, the Messiah, as the Savior of humankind. The reason behind Nephi’s clarificatio
What do the Dead Sea Scrolls say about homosexuality? Did Jesus write the New Testament? Did the apostles write the New Testament? Does the Quran include the Old Testament? Did Jesus write any of the New Testament? Has the New Testament been changed from its original writing?