Levels of mastery grant an additional X% increase of the base stats of dungeon items while doing a dungeon run (percentage increases every few levels). This skill also gives extra health and SkyBlock XP with each level. L (50) Runecrafting Runecrafting is a cosmetic skill leveled up ...
2.danker’s skyblock mod:(简称dsm)(oneconfig):附魔桌小游戏辅助,地牢puzzle solver等边缘性辅助功能:https://github.com/bowser0000/SkyblockMod/releases/latest discord:https://discord.gg/QsEkNQS 3.DungeonRooms(简称dr):地牢secret位置:https://github.com/Quantizr/DungeonRoomsMod/releases/latest discord...
Quicknav: (Fully customizeable) Fast navigation between pets, armor, enderchest, skill, collection, crafting, enchant, anvil, warp dungeon, and warp hub. Recipe Book: Lists all Skyblock items in the vanilla recipe book, allowing you to see the recipe of the item. Backpack Preview: After cli...
Dungeon RNG meter info display Optimize mining route Commands Commands /dhelp - Returns this message in-game. /dsm - Opens the GUI for Danker's Skyblock Mod. /loot <zombie/spider/wolf/enderman/blaze/vampire/fishing/catacombs/mythological/> [winter/festival/spooky/ch/lava/trophy/f(1-7)/mm/...
职业能力:Class Passives(类似被动)、 Dungeon Stone Abilities(类似主动技能) 、Ghost Abilities(死亡OB技能)。 奶妈(Healer) Class Passives Renew: 治疗能力治疗目标增加50%效果。 Healing Aura: 被动治疗8个方块范围内所有活着的队友,每秒0.5%的生命值。
Set the acceptEitherSkyblockOrBedwars value to true if you want the player to meet the requirements if it either meets the SkyBlock or Bedwars requirements. To check other player requirements, you can use the /requirements command in a Discord channel....
Dungeon Rooms Mod What it does: This mod adds Secret Waypoints to Skyblock Dungeons, allowing for faster and easier secret finding. The hotkey to configure waypoints is "P" by default. Alternatively, you can also view images of the secret locations in the DSG Discord or with the SkyblockPers...
Dungeon Rooms Mod What it does: This mod adds Secret Waypoints to Skyblock Dungeons, allowing for faster and easier secret finding. The hotkey to configure waypoints is "P" by default. Alternatively, you can also view images of the secret locations in the DSG Discord or with the SkyblockPers...
Set the acceptEitherSkyblockOrBedwars value to true if you want the player to meet the requirements if it either meets the SkyBlock or Bedwars requirements. To check other player requirements, you can use the /requirements command in a Discord channel. Guild Welcome "guildWelcome": { "enabled...
Dungeon Rooms Mod What it does: This mod adds Secret Waypoints to Skyblock Dungeons, allowing for faster and easier secret finding. The hotkey to configure waypoints is "P" by default. Alternatively, you can also view images of the secret locations in the DSG Discord or with the SkyblockPers...