This is similar to fairy soul waypoints (which Simon has confirmed are allowed) since it is not scanning for the secrets but rather displaying a waypoint over a set coordinate. Dungeon Guide itself has been confirmed allowed on hypixel by an admin...
【Hypixel Skyblock Rift】【鏡像謎題】 頭好癢,長腦袋力 (大悲 556 -- 8:26 App 【Hypixel Skyblock】MM Dungeon地牢 隊友非常的新鮮 非常的美味 280 -- 7:03 App 【Hypixel Skyblock】Master Dungeon VII MM7 245 -- 10:08 App 【Hypixel Skyblock】Master mode Dungeon MM7 With Cecilia 393 -- 8...
当你在连接状态时,每造成5次近战攻击,两个玩家将获得1%最大生命值的治疗。 Dungeon Stone Abilities Healing Circle:发射一个治疗球,在它降落的地方创建一个治疗圈,,治疗圈每秒治疗体内友方玩家2%的生命值。(CD:2秒)触发方式:手持宝石右键发射或者shift原地生成治疗圈。 Wish:治疗团队中的每个人,使其达到全部生命...
2.danker’s skyblock mod:(简称dsm)(oneconfig):附魔桌小游戏辅助,地牢puzzle solver等边缘性辅助功能: discord: 3.DungeonRooms(简称dr):地牢secret位置: discord...
Quicknav: (Fully customizeable) Fast navigation between pets, armor, enderchest, skill, collection, crafting, enchant, anvil, warp dungeon, and warp hub. Recipe Book: Lists all Skyblock items in the vanilla recipe book, allowing you to see the recipe of the item. Backpack Preview: After cli...
大幅优化Skyblock的GUI舒适度。基本上能把一个minecraft小游戏看起来像一个真正的mmorpg。虽然很好看,但是会大幅拖累mc的性能(我电脑配置比较高所以不用担心)并且一些人用起来会比较不舒服。个人喜好和电脑配置问题,可用可不用3.7:Dungeon Rooms(DRM)此模组只有一个功能;地牢秘密路径点显示。原理十分复杂,但不违反...
Hypixel Skyblock Mod for Minecraft 1.21.4 Installation guide ishereor use ourModpack Features Features Dungeon Features: Fancy Party Finder GUI Secrets Waypoint Highlight:Fully customizable Minimap & Score Starred Mob Glow Croesus Helper: Highlight not opened chests ...
Enchanting is a vanilla mechanic that is expanded and implemented in SkyBlock. Enchanting improves gear (Armor, Pickaxes, Drills, Hoes, Shears, Swords, Axes, Fishing Rods, Shovels and Bows) to make them stronger than they already are and improve them wi
拜拜skyblocknw30b pt2500h mod:st neu dungeon room bza soopy 无黑历史,纯良 wipe原因:刚加入的coop被怀疑boosting导致账号wipe 隔壁skyblock吧原贴 分享5914 hypixel吧 浅心陌ლ Hypixel Skyblock 全附魔 教程有没有人需要,需要我就做了 17125 skyblock吧 上古-SG Hypixel The Skyblock 0.15更新速递Hello ...
本吧热帖: 1-密室杀手大更新 2-幸运方块空岛战争 物品 事件 规则盘点 3-话说有MVP 不容易被封是真的吗? 4-Hypixel The Skyblock模组盘点与选择建议 5-大佬们一定要来看看,我遭遇诈骗了 6-吧规v2 or 导航 7-申诉封禁account security alert流程指南【重置】 8-新游戏模式