See also: Pet ItemsPets are summonable companions that grant bonus Stats and/or one or more passive beneficial effects. Pets can be leveled up, increasing the effectiveness of their stats and benefits. Players can have only one pet active at any time and will receive only that pet's ...
Exclusive Skull Packs更多头颅包 With this update, we've included two exclusive Housing+ skull packs: SkyBlock Pet Skins and SkyBlock Minion Skins. We will update these packs over time and potentially add more - for all players as well as further potential exclusives for Housing+. Housing+ Playe...
Roughly Enough Items (REI),EMIandJEISupport Item Protection Discord Rich Presence:Allows users to show their Piggy, Bits, or location, along with a custom message. Wiki Lookup:Press F4 to open the wiki page about the held item. OptiFabric Compatibility ...
, emi and just enough items (jei) support item protection discord rich presence: allows users to show their piggy, bits, or location, along with a custom message. wiki lookup: press f4 to open the wiki page about the held item. optifabric compatibility waypoints api config button in ...
Roughly Enough Items (REI), EMI and JEI Support Item Protection Discord Rich Presence: Allows users to show their Piggy, Bits, or location, along with a custom message. Wiki Lookup: Press F4 to open the wiki page about the held item. OptiFabric Compatibility Waypoints API Config Button in ...
Roughly Enough Items (REI) and EMI Support Item Protection Discord Rich Presence: Allows users to show their Piggy, Bits, or location, along with a custom message. Wiki Lookup: Press F4 to open the wiki page about the held item. OptiFabric Compatibility Waypoints API Config Button in Skyblock...
Added the "Enchant Held Item" action. 添加了附魔指定物品这个操作 Added multiplication and division to settings that support set, increment, and decrement. ► Permissions权限 Added permission for being able to use Ender Chests.添加了使用末影箱的权限 ...