主条目:Pet Items 宠物物品是能够给予宠物并赋予它们额外增益的物品。每个宠物一次只能携带一个物品,并且不能够取回。宠物物品可以通过右键宠物本身(而不是在宠物菜单内)来给它。 NPC Zog 在宠物商店内以不同价格出售不同的宠物物品。 宠物列表 现版本有44种宠物,每种都不相同,且有不同的优缺点。 暂不提供...
Nametag: Great Catch from normal fishing Trading Villagers (from curing Zombie Villagers) can be traded with, using Emeralds and Enchanted Emeralds. They offer items from the Dark Auction, Regular NPCs, Pet Items, Pets and other items. Villagers will unlock new trades after: 50 400 1050 1500 ...
Taming Skill(“育宠”技能), New Pets(新宠物), Pet Items(宠物物品),Pet Store(宠物商店),Mini-Boss(新Boss) Taming Skill和 Pet Score 一项新技能作为宠物系统的新机制被添加到Skyblock。Taming XP是通过升级宠物来获得的。升级Taming Skill的等级后,你可以获得以下新能力:Extra Pet Exp:每次得到宠物经验时,...
seconds. Furthermore, there are over three million skyblock players that you can search by their Minecraft usernames. You can browse through the auctions they made over the past two years. New items are added automatically and are available within two minutes after the first auction is started....
Fishing rod timer (change color after 20 seconds) Hide other rods Mythological Ritual Helper Chocolate factory Helper Jerry timer Miscellaneous Features: Roughly Enough Items (REI), EMI and JEI Support Item Protection Discord Rich Presence: Allows users to show their Piggy, Bits, or location, along...
See also: Pet ItemsPets are summonable companions that grant bonus Stats and/or one or more passive beneficial effects. Pets can be leveled up, increasing the effectiveness of their stats and benefits. Players can have only one pet active at any time and will receive only that pet's ...
Fishing rod timer (change color after 20 seconds) Hide other rods Mythological Ritual Helper Chocolate factory Helper Jerry timer Miscellaneous Features: Roughly Enough Items (REI),EMIandJEISupport Item Protection Discord Rich Presence:Allows users to show their Piggy, Bits, or location, along with ...
Fixed back button in Fishing Skill menu Fixed the Catch Fish objective scoreboard display Fixed Auger Rod not working in the Sunken Jerry Pond and Reflective Pond Zone Mythological Creatures and Pets Fixed a typo in the Rat Blessing pet perk ...
Feb 3, 2021 Sneak peek at Autopet from Minikloon. Feb 16, 20210.11.1 Added Autopet. Feb 19, 2021 Added 2 tick cooldown, patching pet stacking. Added "On throw fishing hook" autopet rule. Added "Except if NOT in [island]" rule exception. Sep 23, 2021 Added "slayer quest with a...
Nametag: Great Catch from normal fishing Trading Villagers (from curingZombie Villagers) can be traded with, usingEmeralds andEnchanted Emeralds. They offer items from the Dark Auction, Regular NPCs, Pet Items, Pets and other items. Villagers will unlock new trades after: ...