Abdominal pain or discomfort: chronic, acute, or episodic 2. Possible seizures with marked hypertriglyceridemia 3. Nonspecific gastrointestinal (GI) signs: vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, anorexia 4. Visible lipemia of the vessels of the bulbar conjunctiva, episclera, and retina (lipemia retinalis) ...
Boratynska M, Banasik M, Watorek E, Klinger M, Dorobisz A, Szyber P. Influen- ce of hypercholesterolemia and acute graft rejection on chronic nephropa- thy development in renal transplant recipient. Transplant Proc 2003;35(6): 2209-12....
Acute and chronic effects on cholesterol biosynthesis of LDL-apheresis with or without concomitant HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor therapy. To determine the acute and long-term effects of low density lipoprotein (LDL) reduction on cholesterol biosynthesis, we studied changes in the cholesterol ... M Pfo...
Giosiana Bosco & Salvatore Piro Sorbonne Université, INSERM UMR1166, Lipidology and Cardiovascular Prevention Unit, Department of Nutrition, APHP, Hôpital Pitié-Salpètriêre, 47/83 Boulevard de L’Hôpital, 75013, Paris, France Giosiana Bosco & Antonio Gallo Department of Chronic Disease Epidemi...
The serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in body increased in normal pregnancy status of pregnancy classification x, while cholesterol or cholesterol derivatives are essential substances for fetal development. Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease process, so the discontinuation of lipid ...
Júnea Paolucci de Paiva Silvino, Rodrigo Mendonça Cardoso Pestana, Lucas Paolucci de Paiva Silvino & Karina Braga Gomes Laboratório de Genética do Instituto do Coração (INCOR), Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Patients were prohibited from the chronic use of drugs that might potentially influence the nervous system. Active smokers and alcohol abusers were excluded from the study. The day before the experiment, subjects were asked not to drink alcohol, coffee or use other stimulants. Informed consent ...
28. Nakano D, Hayashi T, Tazawa N, et al: Chronic hypoxia accelerates the progression of atherosclerosis in apolipopro- tein E−knockout mice. Hypertens Res 2005; 28: 837–845. 29. Zalba G, San José G, Moreno MU, et al: Oxidative stress in arterial hypertension: role of NAD(P)...
The healthy control subjects were 11 age- and sex-matched volunteers with no history of CAD, diabetes, hypertension, or other acute or chronic illnesses. Written informed consent for participation was obtained from each participant; the study was approved by the regional Committee of Medical ...
42,43 Moreover, revascularization resulted in an increased rate of progression to chronic limb-threatening ischemia and an increased amputation rate.44 We show that the immune cell response, principally the monocyte subsets, is the dominant mechanism regulating collateral artery enlargement. There is ...