Hymenolepis nana infection: symptoms and response to nitazoxanide in field conditions. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. Feb 2007;101(2):203-205.Chero JC, Saito M, Bustos JA, Blanco EM, Gonzalvez G, Garcia HH. Hymenolepis nana infection: symptoms and response to nitazoxanide in field conditions...
Hymenolepis nana has also been shown to infect lower primates and in such cases, humans appear to be the source of infection in a ‘reverse zoonosis’ scenario [14]. Infections in humans with H. nana are ubiquitous, particularly in children in developing countries [15–20]. Mono-infections...
Infection par Hymenolepis NanaRichard D. Pearson, MD
This article, titled "An Unexpected Encounter During a Screening Colonoscopy in a Medical Tourist: A Diagnosis of Hymenolepis nana Infection," describes a case of Hymenolepis nana infection in a 55-year-old man from Kazakhstan who visited a health screening clinic in Korea. The man did not ...
H. nana infection is typically acquired from eggs in the feces fromanother infected individual, which are transferred by contaminated food. Eggs hatch inthe duodenum, releasing oncospheres that penetrate the mucosa and enter the lymphchannels of the villi. Then, oncospheres develop into a cystic...
(magnification 400×) five to six weeks from the initial infection, to verify the presence of adult parasites by their eggs. The rats were euthanized with 100 mg/kgintraperitoneal thiopental anaesthesia (Biochemie GmbH, Austria). The small intestines were removed immediately, adult parasites were...
Case Report: Coinfection with Hymenolepis nana, Hymenolepis diminuta, Giardia intestinalis, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus: A Case Report with Complex Immunologic Interactionsdoi:10.4269/ajtmh.16-0413Pérez-Chacón, GladymarPocaterra, Leonor A....
Hymenolepis nana(H. nana), known as the dwarf tapeworm, is an intestinal helminth. This report highlights a case ofH. nanainfection in a young female from Northern India who presented with abdominal pain and achieved a favorable outcome following antiparasitic treatment. An 18-year-old female ...
Hymenolepis nana (Dwarf Tapeworm) Infection - Infectious Diseases - Merck Manuals Professional EditionPEARSON.RICHARD
2009. Hymenolepis nana infection of the colon in an adult male. Gastrointest. Endosc. 70: 784-785. [Medline] [CrossRef]Cho SC, Lee HL, Lee OY, Yoon BC, Choi HS, Hahm JS, Ryu JS, Ahn MH. Hymenolepis nana infection of the colon in an adult male. Gastrointest Endosc 2009; 70: ...