nana: H. nana nana, which infects humans, and H. nana fraterna, which infects rodents. The life cycle of the rodent subspecies includes fleas and beetles as intermediate hosts in which the infective cysticercoid larva develops. Limited host cross-infectivity does occur. Epidemiology Hymenolepis...
Humans are the natural host forH. nana, which has a direct lifecycle (no intermediate host is needed); animal hosts of otherHymenolepisspecies utilize insect intermediate hosts. Infective eggs containing a hexacanth embryo or oncosphere are released to the intestine after disintegration of the pr...
The Axenic Cultivation of Insect Forms of Trypanosoma (Duttonella) vivax and Development to the Infective Metacyclic Stage A method for axenic cultivation of epimastigote and metacyclic forms of Trypanosoma (Duttonella) vivax at 27 degrees C in vitro is described. Iscove's medi... ID Gumm - ...
Rodentolepis nana ranges in size from 25 to 40 mm in length and is usually found in the small intestine. The host range includes mice, rats, nonhuman primates, and humans, but host-specificity is uncertain. It has been postulated that the human strain of R. nana may be non-infective ...
nana, which has a direct lifecycle (no intermediate host is needed); animal hosts of other Hymenolepis species utilize insect intermediate hosts. Infective eggs containing a hexacanth embryo or oncosphere are released to the intestine after disintegration of the proglottid [55]. The cysticerco...