Interactions between water—stable hydrophobic Langmuir—Blodgett monolayers on micaA Langmuir-Blodgett technique was used for depositing monolayers of dimethyldioctadecylammonium ions on molecularly smooth muscovite mica surfaces. Direct measurements of the interaction between such surfaces were performed with ...
Hydrophobicinteractionplaysacriticalroleinthe formationcellmembranesandthefoldingofproteins andnucleicacidsincells HydrophilicInteractions Substancesthatbondtowaterareconsidered hydrophilicor“waterloving” Whenwaterisplacedonthesesubstancesthey formasmallcontactangle HydrophobicInteractions Substancesthatrepelwaterareconsidered...
氨基酸的侧链可以被化学修饰以调节酶活 性(Help to judge which amino acids can be chemically modified during regulating enzymatic activities ) 4. 有助于判断哪些氨基酸参与DNA和蛋白质之间的序列特异 性相互作用(Help to judge which amino acids are involved the base-sequence specific interaction between ...
Related to Hydrophobic interaction:Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography hy·dro·pho·bic (hī′drə-fō′bĭk) adj. 1.Repelling, tending not to combine with, or incapable of dissolving in water. 2.Of or exhibiting hydrophobia. hy′dro·pho·bic′i·ty(-bĭs′ĭ-tē)n. ...
which predicts a reduced interaction in water. Because of itsstrength, it was originally believed that some sort of “hydrophobic bond” was responsible for this interaction. But it should be clear from what has just been described that there is no bond associated with this mainly entropic phenom...
"Hydrophobic interaction" is usually understood as the cause of low solubility of nonpolar substances in water, of their hydrophobicity, which results in an enhanced association of these solutes in aqueous solutions. As there are many nonpolar groups in proteins and many of them are clustered ...
Oil and water do not mix. At the molecular level, this 'de-mixing' tendency, known as the hydrophobic interaction, is thought to drive many self-assembly processes, such as protein folding, formation of micelles and membranes, and molecular recognition. On page 347 of this issue, Ma et al...
This phenomenon has been called hydrophobic interaction (HI).14 As it often occurs in science, the very name HI has currently replaced the explanation of the phenomenon to which it refers. That is, if one observes an attraction between non-polar particles in water, then the explanation of ...