Gerberich WW,Marsh PG,Hoehn W.Hydrogen induced cracking mechanism-Are there critical experiments. Hydrogen effects in Materials:Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Effect of Hydrogen the Behavior of Materials . 1994W. Gerberich, P. Marsh, J. Hoehn, Hydrogen induced cracking ...
Hydrogen stress cracking, often referred to as hydrogen-induced cracking or static fatigue, is characterized by the brittle fracture of a normally ductile alloy under sustained load in the presence of hydrogen. From: Oil and Gas Corrosion Prevention, 2014 ...
3) hydrogen-induced crack 氢致裂纹 1. The result showed that the gray cast iron is not more sensitive to the hydrogen-induced crack than high-tensile steel. 采用排液测氢法和插销试验法较系统的研究了氢对钢芯石墨化铸铁焊条焊补的灰口铸铁铸件冷裂倾向的作用 ;将试验结果与高强钢综合比较 ,...
Mechanism of hydrogen entry. Non-Metallic Inclusion Crack Plastic Region FIGURE 3. Schematic illustration of cracking mechanism. containing environments [8-1O]. Hydrogen induced cracking in pipeline steel in the United States was first reported in 1954 [11]. In 1972, an undersea pipeline made of...
Pipeline failure through cracking mechanism requires precise techniques for measuring interactions of diffused hydrogen within pipeline steel under applied stress. It also includes understanding hydrogen adsorption at defects within the pipeline steel microstructure. The need to apply suitable techniques in orde...
12hydrogen-inducedcrackingandsulfidestress L£Hydrogen-InducedCrackingand SulfideStressCracking M.ELBOUJDAINI CANMETMaterialsTechnologyLaboratory Ottawa,Ontario,Canada A.INTRODUCTION Thefourmainenvironmentalcrackingphenomenaofconcern[1-5]whensteelsareexposedtowet H2Senvironmentsare 1.Hydrogenblistering:Blisterformation...
3) Hydrogen induced cracking 氢致裂纹 1. The most frequently encountered defects in the process of wet underwater welding are the gas hole of welding seam, poor formation of welding, high sensitivity of hydrogen induced cracking on welding seam and heat affected zone. 湿法水下焊接最常见的...
The mechanisms behind this type of hydrogen-induced damage are elucidated in section 3.Corrosion processes have been a well-known source of externally acquired hydrogen during component operation for many decades. The associated damage mechanism is referred to as cathodic stress corrosion cracking (...
Effects of alloying elements and microstructure on the susceptibility of the welded HSLA steel to hydrogen-induced cracking and sulfide stress cracking Hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) and sulfide stress cracking (SSC) susceptibility of the submerged arc welded API 5L-X70 pipeline steel with different ...
Analysis of the delayed cracking mechanism of an industrial hot-dip galvanized DP1180GI steel coil 2024, Engineering Failure Analysis Citation Excerpt : The observation of these newly formed Ag particles using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) enables indirect determination of the hydrogen distribution ...