ahydroboration‐oxidation reaction.In this reaction, a disubstituted boron hydride is added across the carbon‐carbon double bond of an alkene. The resulting organoborane compound is oxidized to an alcohol by reaction with hydrogen peroxide in a basic media, such as aqueous sodium hydroxide solution...
Hydration reaction of alkene is catalyzed by dilute acid. Selection of acid is important . Conjugate base of the acid should not interfere in the reaction. There are other means by which alkenes can be converted to alcohols. Oxymercuration demercuration gives Markovnikoff's alcohols while hydrobor...
2-methyl-1-hexanol was prepared by reacting an alkene with either hydroboration-oxidation or oxymercuration-reduction. Draw the structure of the alkene that was used to prepare the alcohol in highest What mechanism, or series of mechanisms, would ...