2.To form base pairs between complementary regions of two strands of DNA that were not originally paired. v.tr. To cause to produce a hybrid; crossbreed. hy′brid·i·za′tion(-brĭ-dĭ-zā′shən)n. hy′brid·iz′ern.
Significant enhancement of fluorescence on hybridization of a molecular beacon to a target DNA in the presence of a site-specific DNA nickase.pdf 2015-05-30上传 Significant enhancement of fluorescence on hybridization of a molecular beacon to a target DNA in the presence of a site-specific DNA ...
The DNA or RNA probes are usually labeled with a molecule such as digoxigenin, which is then detected by IHC as previously described, using a primary antibody that binds to the digoxigenin. In situ hybridization assays can be very sensitive and specific and have most of the same advantages as...
The present invention , nucleic acid , related to a rapid method for the detection and quantification of DNA or RNA. In particular, the present invention provides for detecting and quantifying the presence of a particular nucleic acid molecule , to provide a method based on physical and ...
A molecule of sulfur hexafluoride has six bonding pairs of electrons connecting six fluorine atoms to a single sulfur atom. There are no lone pairs of electrons on the central atom. To bond six fluorine atoms, the 3s orbital, the three 3p orbitals, and two of the 3d orbitals form six ...
After the target recycling process, H1-H2 complex was achieved with an exposed stem of H2. Then, the exposed stem of H2 served as initiator to rigger HCR event, yielding long dsDNA molecule. Ultimately, numerous MB as redox probes intercalated into the minor groove of the long dsDNA polymers...
HCl is a diatomic molecule containing hydrogen and chlorine atoms. The chemical bond between them is constructed by the sharing of electrons. This... See full answer below. Learn more about this topic: Atomic Nucleus | Definition & Structure ...
The hybridization of the central atom determines the shape of the molecule. Answer and Explanation: The structures of each molecule and ion are shown below. For {eq}PCl_5 {/eq}, the central phosphorus atom has five bonding groups attached to it s...
MolecularhybridizationisbasedonthefeatureofdenaturationandrenaturationofnucleicacidsItcanbeusedasanapproachforqualitative(定性)andquantitative(定量)analysisofDNAorRNA.Hybrid---heterogenous(异源的)DenaturationHybridizationmoleculeHybridization DNA-DNA,DNA-RNA 2.Probe(探针)Notes•ProbeisaspecificDNAorRNAfragmentwhich...
The theory of hybridization can be used to explain the bonding behavior of atoms in a molecule. This theory states that atomic orbitals can combine resulting in the formation of hybrid orbitals. The type of hybridization determines many properties of the molecule....