Got a new Sony HXR-NX30U (the USA NTSC version) and I'm happy to report that Final Cut Pro X (10.0.5) imports clips in 60p, 24p, and 30p just fine without any additional software. The import must use the "from camera" option whether the camera is connected directly via the build...
[资料简介]SONY索尼HXR-NX30C HXR-NX30E HXR-NX30J数码摄像机 HXR-NX30N HXR-NX30P HXR-NX30U维修手册,本摄像机维修手册为电子版-电路图 大小:14.27 MB 格式:PDF 语言:英文 English Service Manual Download 页数:101页 所有电路图真实有效,如有任何疑问请在本页底部联系我们! 注意!本站所有维修手册都带有维...