中文名称:HUVEC-C[HUVEC] Cell:人脐静脉血管内皮细胞系英文名称:HUVEC-C[HUVEC] Cell 保存条件:液氮保存纯度规格:1x10(6)viable cells/ml 产品类别:实验化学品 "HUVEC-C[HUVEC] Cell:人脐静脉血管内皮细胞系 细胞形态:上皮细胞样 细胞生长:贴壁 细胞背景资料:脐静脉;内皮细胞 ...
Applied Sciences, 2020. 10(3). 2. Marin V, K.G., Grès S, Farnarier C, Bongrand P, Endothelial cell culture: protocol to obtain and cultivate human umbilical endothelial cells. J Immunol Methods, 2001 Aug 1. 254: p. 183-90.
HUVEC(HUV-EC-C) Cell<人脐静脉血管内皮细胞系> HRA-19细胞系;细胞传代方法:1:2-1:3传代;每周换液2-3次;细胞形态特性:详见细胞说明书;细胞生长特性:贴壁或悬浮,详见细胞说明书部分;细胞背景资料:详见相关文献介绍 U27KM细胞系;细胞传代方法:1:2-1:3传代;每周换液2-3次;细胞形态特性:详见细胞说明书;细...
Lonza offers HUVECs which have received additional product testing and are guaranteed to test positive for angiogenesis and vascular cell health markers,eNOS,Tie-2,VEGFr2, and Axl in the first passage out of cryopreservation. These cells have undergone the same testing as the non-screened cells an...
1.制备纤维连接蛋白包被的培养皿(2 μg/cm2,推荐使用T-75)。首先添加10ml DPBS,(ScienCell,Cat#0303,无钙离子和镁离子)加入T75培养皿中,再加入150 μl纤维连接蛋白(Cat# 8248)。将培养皿放在37℃的培养箱中过夜(或至少2小时)。 ...
MACS® Cell Storage Solution 130-130-263 HUVEC细胞培养步骤[2] 细胞接种: 1.明胶包被:HUVEC细胞需在涂有2μg/cm2重组人纤连蛋白或1%明胶的聚苯乙烯瓶或孔中培养。使用2μg/cm2重组人纤连蛋白或1%明胶包被培养瓶或孔板,置于37℃孵育1h,在加入HUVEC细胞前使用无菌蒸馏水去重组人纤连蛋白或除明胶; ...
human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) as a model to study cardiovascular disease: A review." Applied Sciences 10.3 (2020): 938.[4] Liao, Danying, et al. "CRISPR-mediated deletion of the PECAM-1 cytoplasmic domain increases receptor lateral mobility and strengthens endothelial cell ...
[4] Liao, Danying, et al. "CRISPR-mediated deletion of the PECAM-1 cytoplasmic domain increases receptor lateral mobility and strengthens endothelial cell junctional integrity." Life sciences 193 (2018): 186-193.[5] Schwefel, Konrad, et al. "Fibronectin rescues aberrant phenotype of endothelial...