疾病中文名:早老症 疾病英文名:Hutchinson Gilford progeria syndrome 别名:progeria 患病率:<1 / 1 000 000 遗传方式:常染色体显性 病因 Progeria(早老症)患者在儿童时期会有提早老化的现象发生,又称为Hutchinson - Gilford progeria syndrome。早老症最早是在...
Progeria, also known as Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), is a rare genetic condition that results in a child's body aging rapidly. A mutation in the LMNA gene causes it to make an abnormal protein. When cells use this protein, called progerin, they break down more easily, whic...
早年衰老综合症(Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome),简称早衰症。1886年Hutchinson首例报道,1897年Guilford进一步描述,所以也称Hutchinson-Gilford综合征.后来文献中称为HGPS.流行病学调查显示,美国本病的发病率为1/800万,男女之比为1.5:1,97%为白色人种.早衰症是一种极端罕见的先天遗传性疾病,其患者身体的老化过程...
Hutchinson-Gil- ford Progeria Syndrome: A premature aging disease caused by LMNA gene mutations. Ageing Res Rev. 2017;33:18-29.S. Gonzalo, R. Kreienkamp, and P. Askjaer, "Hutchinson- Gilford progeria syndrome: a premature aging disease caused by LMNA gene mutations," Ageing Research ...
Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome also causes hair loss (alopecia), aged-looking skin, joint abnormalities, and a loss of fat under the skin (subcutaneous fat). This condition does not affect intellectual development or the development of motor skills such as sitting, standing, and walking....
Mutations(突变)intheLMNA(核纤层蛋白)genecause Hutchinson-Gilfordprogeriasyndrome.TheLMNAgeneprovidesinstructionsformakingaproteincalledlaminA(核纤层蛋白A抗原).Thisproteinplaysanimportantroleindeterminingtheshapeofthenucleuswithincells.Itisanessentialscaffolding(supporting基架)componentofthenuclearenvelope(...
(redirected from Hutchinson Gilford Progeria Syndrome)Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia. pro·ger·i·a (prō-jîr′ē-ə) n. A rare genetic disorder of childhood that is characterized by rapid onset of the physical changes typical of old age, usually resulting in death ...
hutchinson-gilfordprogeria网络早衰症 网络释义 1. 早衰症 ...·安德鲁斯(DeanAndrews)患有一种罕见的早衰症(Hutchinson-Gilfordprogeria),他的身体衰老速度是正常人的8倍。spzx.foods1.com|基于2个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
Gilford Progeria Syndrome. According to Sam Berns video “My Philosophy for a Happy Life” approximately 350 kids are affected with this syndrome worldwide. The etiology or the generic cause ofprogeriais based solely on the child’s genetics. Even though the syndrome is based on genetics, it ...
例句Furthermore, regular monitoring of the organisms causing each syndrome should be conducted on a regular basis to validate the treatment recommendations.此外,应定期对引起每种综合征的生物体展开常规监测,以使推荐治疗方法保持有效。 概述 概述 又名Hutchinson-Gilford综合征、Gilford综合征、Vriot-Pironnea...