1 year ago You are correct about putting killshot above the other shots – not doing so will still use it if you’re a button spammer but it’s not the most efficient way, the LNL macro however does nothing for DPS gain, all it achieves is saving an extra keybind, calling aimed sh...
This macro will target whatever your mouse is hovering over, send your pet in to attack, start shooting, and cast Hunter’s Mark. You can use this as a simple one-button engage for whatever enemy you have your mouse hovering over. #showtooltip Auto Shot /target Mouseover /petattack /cast...
On top of this, the only way I found feign death trap to work was to scatter my target with a pet follow/passive macro, then wait a second or two and feign death/trap. This only works if the target is not a hunter or warlock that already has their pet on you or you will not ...
opinion so im entitle to it, dots, are a lazy design, getting reward for nothing is terrible, being a proc of something sure AMAZING, but pressing a button and doing 30% of someone health if they cant dispell is trash, thats why the pro-players are rolling warlock on TBC, cuz its ...