The first pne forces the macro to display the number of Roasted Quail in your backpack. The /use pne will use certain food based on what type of pet you have. ADVANCED HUNTER MACROS: Use Bandage On Target or Self对目标/自己绷带 /use [help] Heavy Runecloth Bandage; [target=player] Heav...
/施放 自动射击一键攻击宏 第一次按施放毒蛇 以后施放奥术 战斗结束 目标死亡 或15秒重新循环 没蓝施放 自动射击(目标敌对直接攻击 目标友善攻击目标的目标 不稳定)===TBC猎人部分宏命令2007-10-13 17:21BB咬图腾宏 字串8/petattack [target=火焰新星图腾]/petattack [target=根基图腾]/petattack [target=地缚图...
While this is not an exhaustive list of all possible / useful macros, we will be exemplifying almost all macro functionalities below. Use these templates as an example and replace their spells with the ones you feel will be most useful to you, personally. 2. Classic Hunter Macro Templates 2...
1. Hardcore Classic Hunter Overview 2. Hardcore Hunter Strengths and Weaknesses 3. Races for Hunter 4. Stat Priority 5. Talent Build/Rotation 6. Professions 7. Hunter Macros 8. Duo Leveling 1. Hardcore Classic Hunter Overview If you are curious about more general Hardcore tips that apply to...
HunterAS: [Arcane Shot] AotH: [Aspect of the Hawk] AotP: [Aspect of the Pack] AotV: [Aspect of the Viper] AotW: [Aspect of the Wild] BM: Beast Mastery talent tree BW: [Bestial Wrath] FD: [Feign Death] GftT: [Go for the Throat] HM: [Hunter's Mark] IAotH: [Improved Aspect ...
Hunter Hunter addons track your pet’s happiness, ammo, and cooldowns, so you’re never caught unprepared. They also make kiting and managing traps much easier, giving you an edge in tough encounters. Weapon Swing Timer –This add-on is, without a doubt, an absolute requirement to play a...
Macros Warlock heal macro used in warlock profiles. #showtooltip Create Healthstone /use Minor Healthstone /use Lesser Healthstone /use Healthstone /use Greater Healthstone /use Major Healthstone /use Master Healthstone /stopmacro [combat] /cast [nocombat] Create Healthstone Hunter feedpet macro replace...
Verdant Pigment is sometimes obtained when milling: [Briarthorn] [Swiftthistle] [Bruiseweed] [Stranglekelp] [Mageroyal] As an ingredient [Hunter's Ink] External links (EU) Wowhead Thottbot WoWDB v • d • eInks, pigments, and parchments Inks [Ivory]· [Moonglow]· [Hunte...
Hunter minimum ranged attack distance still seems off (too long). Scatter/Trap sharing DR; for the vast majority of vanilla wow and all of TBC these abilities did not share DR. The patch note reads “Freezing Trap now shares DR with similar abilities” scatter is not a “similar ability”...
by Tageshi. Makes key bindings for spells, items, and macros. You no longer need action bar slots just to make key bindings for your macros etc. Bison by Grayal. Customizes your buff display. bitPala by bitbiter. Provides 3 bars to keep track of your Beacon of Light, Judgement of th...